Threat Database Rogue Anti-Spyware Program Windows Safety Guarantee

Windows Safety Guarantee

Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 100 % (High)
Infected Computers: 6
First Seen: February 21, 2011
Last Seen: January 8, 2020
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Windows Safety Guarantee Image

If you have Windows Safety Guarantee holding your computer hostage, don't believe what Windows Safety Guarantee tells you. Windows Safety Guarantee is fake anti-virus software, and no matter what impression Windows Safety Guarantee may try to give you about where it comes from, Windows Safety Guarantee has no legitimate connection to Windows or Microsoft.

Signs of Windows Safety Guarantee’s Presence

The way that Windows Safety Guarantee goes about trying to squeeze people for money is almost formulaic – Windows Safety Guarantee follows the same pattern that dozens of other rogue anti-virus programs follow. So, the first time you notice its presence will be when you start Windows after Windows Safety Guarantee installs. Instead of seeing the desktop, you will see the phony Windows Safety Guarantee user interface. This interface is bright orange, and it uses the Windows logo and name (without permission). It has several icons on it that will rate various aspects of your system's security, and it will always rate your security as low. When this interface loads, it runs a phony system scan, which always turns up results. The list of results will include names of real viruses in order to scare you, but you will not find any of these on your computer. Windows Safety Guarantee can't actually detect threats.

Once you make it past the fake user interface, Windows Safety Guarantee disrupts the functioning of your computer in other ways. Windows Safety Guarantee will generate pop-up alerts, and these alerts are always the same. In fact, not only are these alerts the same for every computer infected with Windows Safety Guarantee, but they're also the same for all of the other rogue anti-virus programs in Windows Safety Guarantee's very large family. You'll see an alert that says that Firefox is a keylogger, one that says that lsass.exe caused a problem during boot-up, and one that says that someone is trying to change your "register keys." All of these will prompt you to "activate" the Windows Safety Guarantee software, by going to its fake payment site and paying for Windows Safety Guarantee. However, because Windows Safety Guarantee is completely fake, you don't stand to gain anything by paying for it. Windows Safety Guarantee is never anything more than malware, and can't gain any functionality, regardless of how much you pay.

In order to protect itself, Windows Safety Guarantee will prevent many, if not all, of your other programs from running. When you try to start another application, Windows Safety Guarantee will prevent it from opening, and give you an alert that says that the program is infected or somehow malicious. Windows Safety Guarantee may also hijack your web browser, so that you are unable to view certain websites, and Windows Safety Guarantee may prevent you from seeing any sites other than its own malicious, fake page.

Of course, all of the things that Windows Safety Guarantee does will consume system resources. So as a side-effect of Windows Safety Guarantee's presence, your computer may run more slowly than usual, or even crash. However, this shouldn't be mistaken for proof that Windows Safety Guarantee is right about there being a bunch of viruses on your computer. Windows Safety Guarantee is the source of the problem, and Windows Safety Guarantee is very likely the only present threat.

How Windows Safety Guarantee Infects Computers

If the symptoms of infection with Windows Safety Guarantee are formulaic and typical, the same can be said of its infection methods. Windows Safety Guarantee uses a Trojan in order to download and install itself. The Trojan (by definition) is hidden in something that looks ordinary or safe, like a video codec, plugin update, program update, or social-networking link. What happens is that you download the Trojan without knowing it, and then the Trojan does the work of downloading and installing Windows Safety Guarantee. Windows Safety Guarantee alters the registry so that Windows Safety Guarantee will run every time Windows starts, and so the next time you start your computer, Windows Safety Guarantee is there.

Windows Safety Guarantee Belongs to a Fast-Growing Family

Windows Safety Guarantee comes from such a large, rapidly-growing family of rogue anti-virus applications that it is almost absurd. New members of this malware family show up literally every day, with tiny superficial changes. For the most part, the only difference between Windows Safety Guarantee and its relatives is its name. Other members of Windows Safety Guarantee's family include Windows User Satellite, Windows Express Help, Windows Optimal Settings, Windows Care Tool, Windows Software Guard, and at least a dozen others (at a conservative estimate). All of these fake security programs support the same Russian scam, which has been ongoing for months. Windows Safety Guarantee is just the variation that showed up around the third week of February, 2011.ScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshotScreenshot

SpyHunter Detects & Remove Windows Safety Guarantee

File System Details

Windows Safety Guarantee may create the following file(s):
# File Name MD5 Detections
1. freemovie.avi.exe 2bc399af115c10dbe41f6bf6d33f7f5a 4


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