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Please complete the form below to report any abuse or misuse of our company's products or our company's name or brands. Please also use the form to report any circumstances that you believe constitute improper conduct or actions by a reseller of our products. We are interested in learning of instances of software piracy, trademark infringement, defamation, or other abusive content. Information that you provide to us will be handled consistently with our Privacy Policy.
Enigmasoft's ability to investigate any matter submitted to it depends on you providing us with complete information on proper claims. Make sure to provide as much information as possible, including links to the original work or evidence of source material, to expedite our investigation.
Please DO NOT use this form for support or billing questions. For SpyHunter technical support requests, please contact our support team directly. For billing issues, please refer to our “Billing Questions or Problems?” page. If you have any general, press or business inquiries about our company and products, please visit our Inquiries and Feedback page.
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