How Can I Cancel My SpyHunter Subscription?
You may cancel your SpyHunter subscription at any time. One way to cancel your subscription is to notify one of our third party payment partners. For cancellation details specific to your order, please visit You can also contact the EnigmaSoft Support Team directly to cancel your SpyHunter subscription by phone at +1 (888) 360-0646 (USA) / +353 76 680 3523 (Ireland/International), by email at or via the SpyHunter HelpDesk.
When requesting a cancellation, please provide your name, details of the order (including order confirmation number) and, where available, your phone number and the registered email address from your order confirmation. If you cancel beyond the initial 30 day cancellation period described in Section 4 of the EULA, you cannot apply for a refund for payments already made, and you will continue to have access to the full functionality of the SpyHunter Software through to the end of your subscription period. No credits or refunds are provided for any partial-subscription periods. Subscriptions are personal and are non-transferable. If you want to continue to receive the full functionality of the SpyHunter Software after your subscription lapses, it is your responsibility to renew your subscription.
NOTICE TO CALIFORNIA CONSUMERS: Per the California Renewal Act you may cancel a subscription as follows:
- Go to and click the "Login" button at the top right corner.
- Log in with your username and password.
- In the navigation menu, go to "Order/Licenses". Next to your order/license, a button is available to cancel your subscription if applicable. Note: If you have multiple orders/products, you will need to cancel them on an individual basis.
Should you have any questions or problems, you can contact our EnigmaSoft support team by phone at +1 (888) 360-0646 (USA) / +353 76 680 3523 (Ireland/International) or by email at
If you opt to cancel a SpyHunter Free Trial, your access to SpyHunter will be immediately terminated. You will not be able to reactivate your SpyHunter Free Trial. Please see EULA/TOS.