Threat Database Ransomware Proxima Ransomware

Proxima Ransomware

Proxima is a ransomware threat that encrypts data with the intention of demanding a ransom for decryption. When the Proxima Ransomware is executed, it encrypts files and adds a '.proxima' extension to their original filenames. For instance, a file named '1.png' became '1.png.proxima' after encryption, while '2.png' became '2.png.proxima,' and so on.

After the encryption process is completed, Proxima drops a ransom note on the desktop of the breached device, demanding a ransom. This message, called 'Proxima_Readme.txt,' outlines the ransom demand and provides instructions on how the victim can pay to receive the decryption key. The victims are warned that failure to comply with the ransom demand may result in the permanent loss of their data. It is crucial for the victim not to pay the ransom, report the incident to the appropriate authorities, and seek professional assistance to remove the ransomware.

Proxima Ransomware's Demands

According to Proxima's ransom note, the victims' files have been encrypted and collected, and they must pay a ransom to retrieve their data and prevent it from being leaked on hacker forums or blogs. The note also urges the victim to contact the attackers and send a small encrypted file that does not contain valuable information, allowing them to test the decryption process free of charge.

Victims also are warned against renaming or modifying the encrypted files and using third-party recovery tools since doing so may result in permanent data loss. Based on extensive research into ransomware infections, it is typically impossible to decrypt files without the involvement of cybercriminals, except for a few exceptions, such as poorly developed ransomware-type programs.

You should know that even if the victims pay the ransom, they may not receive the decryption keys or tools they need to retrieve their data. Therefore, it is strongly advised against meeting the ransom demands, as doing so supports illegal activities and may encourage further attacks.

The Best Ways to Protect Your Device from Threats Like the Proxima Ransomware

To best protect their computer systems from ransomware infections, users should adopt a proactive approach that combines preventive measures and effective response strategies.

Firstly, users should ensure that their systems are updated with the ultimate security patches and updates. This includes both the operating system and any installed software. Additionally, they also should implement robust cybersecurity measures, such as firewalls, anti-malware software, and intrusion detection systems, to detect and prevent malicious activity.

Users must exercise caution when opening email attachments or clicking on links, especially if the source is unknown or suspicious. It is essential to be vigilant and check the legitimacy of the source before downloading or opening any file. Furthermore, it is advisable to create secure backups of essential data regularly, preferably using offline or cloud-based backup solutions.

In the event of a ransomware infection, it is critical to act quickly and isolate the affected system from the network to prevent the malware from spreading. Reporting the incident to law enforcement and seeking professional assistance is highly recommended, as attempting to remove the malware on your own can lead to further damage.

Overall, effective protection against ransomware infections requires a multi-layered approach that combines preventative measures, such as security updates and backups, with a swift and efficient response plan. By following these best practices, users can significantly diminish the risk of falling victim to a ransomware attack.

Proxima Ransomware's ransom-demanding message is:

'[~] Proxima Ransomware

>>> What's happened?


To recovery your data and not to allow data leakage, it is possible only through purchase of a private key from us.

>>> What guarantees?

Before paying you can send us a small-sized file (a non-important file), and we will decrypt it for free as guarantee.

>> How will the decryption process proceed after payment?

After payment, we will send you our decryption program + detailed instructions for use. With this program, you will be able to decrypt all your files.

If some files has encrypted but not renamed; these files will be restored after the decryption procedure is completed.


Please write an email to: and

Write this ID in the title of your message: -


Do not rename or modify encrypted files.

Do not try to decrypt using third party software, it may cause permanent data loss.

Decryption of your files with the help of third parties may cause increased price(they add their fee to our).

We use hybrid encryption, no one can restore your files except us.

remember to hurry up, as your email address may not be available for very long.

All your stolen data will be loaded into cybercriminal forums/blogs if you do not pay ransom.'


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