Threat Database Malware Chameleon Malware

Chameleon Malware

By Domesticus in Malware

Chameleon, otherwise known as Chameleon botnet, is a botnet that grabs money through pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Chameleon can supposedly make more than $6 million a month through fraudulent clicks on web ads. Almost all of the websites affected by Chameleon are located in the US. All the bot web browsers notify themselves as being Internet Explorer 9.0 running on Windows 7. The malicious traffic is difficult to detect because Chameleon uses numerous different ad-exchange cookies. That's why this malware infection is called Chameleon. Chameleon infects display ad advertisers and not just text link advertisers. Individual bots within the Chameleon botnet run on host PCs with Microsoft Windows as the OS. Bots access the Internet through a flash-enabled Trident-based web browser that executes JavaScript. Chameleon crashes and constantly restarts targeted computers.

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