Threat Database Rogue Websites 'BlockChain' Scam

'BlockChain' Scam

Rogue websites are propagating a phishing scheme trying to obtain sensitive account and cryptowallet credentials from unsuspecting users. Tracked as 'BlockChain' scam, this phishing operation is aimed specifically at users with BlockChain cryptocurrency wallets.

The fake websites are designed to closely resemble the official log-in page despite having a different web address. The options presented in the phishing portal include 'Reset Password,' 'Recover Password,' Reset 12 Phrase Key.' The implication is that users will need to recover their accounts. No matter what button users press out of the three available, they will be asked to provide their email or Wallet ID and the associated password in order to authenticate themselves.

All information entered into the scam page will be compromised and become available to the scammers. With the necessary account and cryptowallet credentials, the unscrupulous operators of the scam websites could be able to take over the victim's digital wallets and siphon out any funds found there. As a result, victims could suffer devastating financial losses.

To avoid falling into such online traps, it is necessary to always pay attention to the websites you visit or encounter. Make sure that they are the legitimate ones before entering any private or confidential information, no matter how urgent or serious the messages displayed by the site may seem.


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