Apps Browser Extension

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 426
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 24,838
First Seen: October 20, 2022
Last Seen: May 21, 2024
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Apps is a Chrome browser extension that is known to lead to several potential risks. This extension has the ability to redirect your browser's search queries through search engines that may not be trustworthy and can display unwanted advertisements that do not originate from the website you are visiting. As a result, Apps has been classified as a browser hijacker. It is crucial for users to keep in mind that the unscrupulous developers of Apps appear to be extremely active, and new versions of Apps have been regularly identified by cybersecurity researchers. Indeed, the users could find that in their specific case, the PUP is named Apps 2.2, Apps 3.3, Apps 3.5, etc. Another important fact is that the ID of this particular browser hijacker has been confirmed by researchers to be 'pejhfhcoekcajgokallhmklcjkkeemgj.'

Negative Consequences of Having Browser Hijackers Like Apps Active on Your Device

If the Apps browser hijacker is installed on your computer, you may experience various symptoms. Firstly, you may notice that the Apps program or browser extension has been installed on your system. Additionally, you may see advertisements appearing in locations where they normally wouldn't, and links to websites may redirect you to sites that are different from what you were expecting. Finally, your browser's search queries may be redirected through shady and unfamiliar search engines, which can result in unreliable search results and further exposure to harmful or questionable content.

It is important to note that Apps is considered to be a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) and can pose a threat to your system's security and your privacy. It is recommended that you remove the Apps extension or program from your computer as soon as possible to prevent any further issues.

How Did the Apps Browser Hijacker Get Installed on the User’s Device

PUPs are often distributed using various shady tactics that can be deceptive and misleading. These tactics can trick users into downloading and installing unwanted software on their systems, often without their knowledge or consent.

One common tactic used in the distribution of PUPs is through software bundling. This involves including PUPs as part of the installation package of legitimate software programs, which are often downloaded from third-party websites. PUPs may be included as pre-selected options during the installation process, making it easy for users to inadvertently install them along with the intended software.

Another tactic used to distribute PUPs is through misleading advertising. PUP creators may use pop-up ads or other forms of advertising to trick users into downloading their software. These ads may be designed to look like legitimate system notifications or warnings or may offer free downloads or software updates to entice users into clicking on them.

Some PUPs also may be distributed through spam emails or untrustworthy websites, which can trick users into downloading or installing the software without their knowledge. In some cases, PUPs may also be disguised as legitimate software or system files, making it difficult for users to detect them and remove them from their systems.

In conclusion, the distribution of PUPs often involves deceptive and misleading tactics that can be difficult for users to identify and avoid. Exercise caution when introducing software from the internet to your computer and to only download from trusted sources to minimize the risk of inadvertently installing potentially unwanted programs on your system.

Registry Details

Apps Browser Extension may create the following registry entry or registry entries:
Regexp file mask
%homedrive%\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].crx
%localappdata%\[RANDOM CHARACTERS].crx


Apps Browser Extension may create the following directory or directories:



Apps Browser Extension may call the following URLs:


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