Threat Database Phishing Scam Scam

The Web address has been associated with a phishing tactic trying to obtain sensitive confidential details from users. The fraudsters use various false scenarios and social engineering tricks to achieve their nefarious goals. The initial lure messages appear to target WhatsApp users, giving the attackers the opportunity to reach users on Android and iOS devices, as well as Windows systems.

The unsuspecting recipients will see a seemingly innocuous link containing as part of the URL. However, opening it will lead them to a rogue website, under the false pretense that the user has been selected to participate in a giveaway with the chance to win a lucrative reward. To become eligible, users must first complete an anonymous survey. In an ironic twist, after answering the questions of the survey, users will be taken to a phishing portal asking them for various personal data.

The untrustworthy website requires users to enter their names, addresses, ages, bank information and more. All of the provided information will be collected by the con artists. It should be noted that the websites involved in the tactic may be able to scan the incoming IP addresses and geolocation of users and adjust their language and the shown fake scenario accordingly.

Afterward, the fraudsters could abuse the collected data to compromise victims' emails, social media accounts, bank accounts, etc. Victims could experience financial losses, privacy and security issues identity theft, or other fraud types.


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