Threat Database Ransomware Plam Ransomware

Plam Ransomware

The Plam Ransomware is a file-locker Trojan that may block media like documents, add extensions to their names, and deliver ransoming demands in text messages. As part of the STOP Ransomware or Djvu Ransomware family, its distribution model is unpredictable. Users should carefully maintain secure backups for their files' safety and have good security software for removing the Plam Ransomware from infected computers.

A 'Helpful' Manager at Too Great a Price

The file-locking Trojan family, STOP Ransomware, remains up to its old tricks with few swerves, even though malware analysts can point to campaigns from it as long ago as 2018's '.PUMA File Extension' Ransomware. The Plam Ransomware is a new variant of the same old story. It conforms to the pattern of encryption-wielding data attacks and text message ransom notes.

Although the Plam Ransomware's name might lead some to suspect a Polish etymology and campaign, the threat's name uses random characters with coincidental or no meaning. The program is Windows-based and blocks commonly-available media formats like documents, pictures, movies, or music by encrypting them. The attack may or may not be directly reversible; although there are free decryption utilities for the STOP Ransomware members, threat actors often update their encryption security after a 'crack' appears.

The Plam Ransomware is especially identifiable by the 'plam' extensions on the above files and the text ransom note it creates. The latter stays within the preexisting template of STOP Ransomware's family, with a communal 'helpmanager' address for ransom negotiations over data recovery. Generally, malware experts suggest not paying, even though the Trojan implements a deadline of three days as an incentive for quick responses.

Reaching a Stopping Point for the STOP Ransomware Releases

Windows users have crucial parts for playing against the STOP Ransomware campaigns, whether they're in the name of the Plam Ransomware, the Qlkm Ransomware, the Jdyi Ransomware or the Usam Ransomware. Avoiding illicit downloads or unofficial update links, using strong passwords that counteract brute-force attacks, installing software updates, and turning off unneeded features like Flash, JavaScript and RDP all are helpful. Users may expect attacks with themes such as fake resumes, invoices, cracks for popular games, or popular movies on torrent networks.

All users also should have backups for recovering their work without a decryption routine. Because most file-locker Trojans use secure encryption with no free solutions, there are few possibilities for recovery without backups. Local backups like the Restore Points also may see deletion through Trojans like the Plam Ransomware, which may include file-wiping properties.

Currently, the Plam Ransomware's installers use random-character names with no meaning or clues of their infection strategies. However, Windows users with anti-malware protection should block and delete the Plam Ransomware before the Trojan starts encrypting any media.

Ultimately, there's no built-in stopping point for STOP Ransomware variants like the Plam Ransomware. It requires users who protect their files past the point of needing ransoms to criminals for recovery – and without this common-sense protection, more Trojans with encryption will keep flowing.


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