Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 2,586
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 916
First Seen: February 22, 2023
Last Seen: September 28, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

While conducting an extensive analysis of websites associated with questionable advertising networks, cybersecurity researchers encountered among the many sites employing deceptive strategies to convince visitors to enable their browser notifications. It is crucial to highlight that while users browse, they also may experience unexpected redirects to other unreliable websites. Utilizes Misleading Messages to Trick Visitors

When users access, they are confronted with a pop-up message that prompts them to click the 'Allow' button under the guise of a verification step to confirm that they are not robots. The Web page employs a deceptive tactic, creating the illusion that passing a CAPTCHA is necessary to proceed. This technique, known as clickbait, aims to obtain user consent for displaying notifications.

Granting permission for notifications from is strongly advised against, as websites that resort to clickbait tactics to obtain authorization for displaying notifications are inherently untrustworthy. Clicking on notifications originating from can lead users down a treacherous path, exposing them to a wide range of dubious websites.

These notifications have the potential to direct users to phishing websites, pages associated with technical support frauds, platforms hosting potentially harmful applications and even unsafe websites. Additionally, has the capability to redirect visitors to other untrustworthy pages, such as websites designed to entice users into agreeing to receive questionable notifications or advertisements.

Pay Attention to the Signs of a Fake CAPTCHA Check

A fake CAPTCHA check can exhibit several signs that users should be aware of to identify its deceptive nature. When encountering a fake CAPTCHA check, users may notice certain indicators that can help them recognize its fraudulent nature.

One sign is an unusually simple or distorted CAPTCHA image that does not require much effort or human intelligence to solve. Legitimate CAPTCHAs are designed to challenge automated bots while being solvable by human users. Fake CAPTCHAs may lack complexity or may be intentionally distorted in a way that makes them easily decipherable, raising suspicions about their authenticity.

Another sign is the presence of suspicious or irrelevant verification requests. A fake CAPTCHA check may ask users to perform actions that are unrelated to typical CAPTCHA challenges. For instance, users might be prompted to click on specific areas of the screen or perform unusual tasks that go beyond the standard scope of CAPTCHA verification.

Additionally, the absence of contextual relevance can be a red flag. Fake CAPTCHAs may appear on websites or in situations where CAPTCHA checks are not typically required. For example, encountering a CAPTCHA prompt when accessing a simple informational webpage or engaging in non-sensitive activities could indicate a deceptive attempt to gather user data.

Furthermore, a lack of integration or inconsistency with established CAPTCHA providers is worth noting. Legitimate CAPTCHA systems are often provided by well-known and trusted providers, and their design and functionality adhere to certain standards. Fake CAPTCHAs may exhibit inconsistencies in appearance, behavior, or validation mechanisms, deviating from the expected behavior of reputable CAPTCHA solutions.

Users also should be cautious if the CAPTCHA check is followed by requests to enable browser notifications or perform unrelated actions. Fake CAPTCHAs may use the guise of verification to deceive users into consenting to receive notifications or executing potentially harmful commands.

Ultimately, a combination of these signs or a general sense of suspicion should alert users to the possibility of encountering a fake CAPTCHA check. Users that exercise caution and verify the legitimacy of CAPTCHA prompts before taking any actions will protect their security and privacy online.

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