Various computer users have reported problems with their web browser involving several fake search engines such as is one of the many possible results of a browser hijacker infection which takes over the infected computer's web browser and then forces it to visit various malicious websites against the computer user's will. There are several clones of, including and In all cases, these websites feature a cartoon feline with different attire in several versions of this fake search engine and the fake search engines are titled 'Super Search'. in itself is not particularly harmful, containing little to no dangerous elements within the website itself (although this may change at a moment's notice). However, poses a threat to computer systems because of its close association with browser hijackers, which are often themselves associated with extremely dangerous malware infections like the TDSS rootkit or variants of the ZeroAccess rootkit. If your web browser constantly takes you to the website, it is certain that your computer is infected with a browser hijacker. Using a reliable anti-malware application to find the cause of these redirects will usually put an end to any redirects.
Browser Hijackers Associated with
Due to different reports, two different types of browser hijackers have been identified and associated with the fake search engine. The first of these is quite common and has been infecting Windows operating systems since at least 2010. This browser hijacker is known as Google Redirect Virus and consists of a Trojan infection that is often bundled with the TDSS rootkit, making it quite difficult to eradicate without a specialized anti-rootkit tool. has also been linked to a JavaScript browser hijacker with the capacity to affect computer systems running the iOS operating system (such as an iPad). Unlike the other browser hijacker, this second malware threat is not a systemic infection and is limited to the web browser (as can be proven by simply disabling JavaScript to end the browser hijacker's symptoms). Both of the above-mentioned browser hijackers act in the same way, changing the search results on Bing, Yahoo and Google so that they direct to and other malicious search engines.
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