Threat Database Ransomware EMBARGO Ransomware

EMBARGO Ransomware

The EMBARGO Ransomware is a threatening software designed to encrypt files on the infected device, rendering them inaccessible to the user. Once the files are encrypted, a random extension is appended to each file's name, which is a hallmark of this ransomware strain. For example, a file that was originally named document.txt might be renamed to document.txt.144vd5. This makes it easy to identify the ransomware's presence on an infected system.

The Infection and the Encryption Process Used by the EMBARGO Ransomware

  1. Initial Infection: The EMBARGO Ransomware typically infiltrates a system through phishing emails, fraudulent downloads, or exploiting system vulnerabilities. Once inside, it begins the encryption process without the user's knowledge.
  2. File Encryption: During encryption, EMBARGO targets numerous file types, including documents, images and databases. Each encrypted file is then appended with a unique, random extension. This not only disrupts the file structure but also serves as an indicator of the ransomware attack.
  3. Ransom Note Delivery: After encryption, EMBARGO generates a ransom note named HOW_TO_RECOVER_FILES.txt. This note is typically placed in prominent locations, such as the desktop and various directories containing encrypted files. The ransom note has instructions on how to pay the ransom so that they can be provided with a decryption key. It usually includes the following details:
  • Notification that the files have been encrypted.
  • Instructions on how to purchase cryptocurrency (usually Bitcoin).
  • The ransom amount.
  • Contact information for the attackers.

How to Decrypt Data and Remove Ransomware

  1. Avoid Paying the Ransom: Security experts strongly advise against paying the ransom. There is no assurance that the attackers will send the decryption key, and paying the ransom only encourages further criminal activity.
  2. Use of Decryption Tools: Currently, there might not be a universal decryption tool available for the EMBARGO Ransomware. However, victims are encouraged to check reputable cybersecurity websites and forums for any updates on potential decryption solutions.
  3. Professional Help: For those who are not technically inclined, seeking help from cybersecurity professionals can be a viable option. Experts can assist in safely removing the ransomware and recovering files where possible.
  4. Restore from Backup: If backups are available, restoring encrypted files from a pre-infection backup is the most effective way to recover. Be certain that the ransomware is fully removed from the system before restoring any files to prevent re-infection.

Preventative Measures to Avoid a Ransomware Infection

  1. Regular Backups: Regularly back up your data and ensure backups are saved in a secure cloud environment or offline.
  2. Security Software: Install and regularly update anti-malware software. Use security features that provide real-time protection and scanning.
  3. User Education: Educate users on the hazards of phishing emails and suspicious downloads. Encourage vigilance when opening email attachments or clicking on links from unknown sources.
  4. System Updates: Keep operating systems and all software up-to-date by applying the latest security fixes to protect against vulnerabilities.

The EMBARGO Ransomware represents a significant threat to data security due to its encryption methods and random file extension appending. By understanding its operation and taking proactive measures, individual PC users and organizations can mitigate the risks associated with this ransomware.

Here is the ransom note displayed by the EMBARGO Ransomware:

'Your network has been chosen for Security Audit by EMBARGO Team.

We successfully infiltrated your network, downloaded all important and sensitive documents, files, databases, and encrypted your systems.

You must contact us before the deadline 2024-05-21 06:25:37 +0000 UTC, to decrypt your systems and prevent your sensitive information from disclosure on our blog:

Do not modify any files or file extensions. Your data maybe lost forever.

1. Download torbrowser: hxxps://
2. Go to your registration link:
3. Register an account then login

If you have problems with this instructions, you can contact us on TOX:

After payment for our services, you will receive:
- decrypt app for all systems
- proof that we delete your data from our systems
- full detail pentest report
- 48 hours support from our professional team to help you recover systems and develop Disaster Recovery plan

IMPORTANT: After 2024-05-21 06:25:37 +0000 UTC deadline, your registration link will be disabled and no new registrations will be allowed.
If no account has been registered, your keys will be deleted, and your data will be automatically publish to our blog and/or sold to data brokers.

WARNING: Speak for yourself. Our team has many years experience, and we will not waste time with professional negotiators.
If we suspect you to speaking by professional negotiators, your keys will be immediate deleted and data will be published/sold.'


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