Threat Database Phishing 'E-MAIL DELIVERY BLOCKED' Email Scam


Analysis of the 'EMAIL DELIVERY BLOCKED' emails carried out by infosec experts has revealed that these are indeed fraudulent and malicious letters. The deceptive emails attempt to trick recipients by falsely claiming that their accounts have been suspended. The fraudulent scheme then proceeds to lure users into a phony reactivation process, prompting them to sign into their email accounts through a phishing website. Phishing tactics like the 'EMAIL DELIVERY BLOCKED' email can be extremely threatening for victims who unknowingly provide sensitive information to fraudsters.

The 'EMAIL DELIVERY BLOCKED' Email Scam May Have Dire Consequences for Victims

The spam emails with the subject '[Review] Mail Delivery Suspended For (email address of recipient)' claim that the recipients' email delivery has been blocked temporarily. They attempt to mislead users into thinking that they can reactivate their access through a provided link. It is crucial to highlight that the information contained in these phishing emails is entirely false, and it has no association with any legitimate service providers.

Upon clicking the 'REACTIVATE DELIVERY' link, unsuspecting users are redirected to a deceptive phishing website that cunningly imitates their particular email account sign-in page. Despite its relatively convincing appearance, this website is, in fact, fraudulent and designed to record any entered information, such as email account passwords.

Victims who fall for this scam face far more than just the risk of losing access to their emails. Since email accounts are often used to register for various online services, scammers could potentially gain unauthorized access to other online accounts belonging to the victims.

The consequences of such unauthorized access can be severe and wide-ranging. Cybercriminals may exploit stolen social media and social networking accounts to impersonate the victim and defraud their contacts or friends. They might ask for loans or donations under false pretenses, promote various scams, and even distribute malware by sharing malicious files or links.

Moreover, financial accounts that are compromised, such as online banking, money transferring, or e-commerce platforms, can be exploited for fraudulent transactions and unauthorized online purchases. Furthermore, if any confidential or compromising content is found on hijacked data storage platforms, it could be used for blackmail or other nefarious purposes.

Be Careful When Dealing with Unexpected Emails

Recognizing a phishing or scam email is crucial in protecting oneself from online threats. Here are some typical signs that can help users identify such deceptive emails:

  • Suspicious Sender Address: Check the sender's email address carefully. Phishing emails often use email addresses that imitate legitimate sources but may contain slight misspellings, extra characters, or unusual domain names.
  •  Urgent or Threatening Language: Phishing emails may use urgent or threatening language to create a sense of panic and pressure the recipient into taking immediate action. They may claim that an account will be closed or there is a security breach that requires immediate attention.
  •  Generic Greetings: Scam emails often use generic greetings like 'Dear Customer' instead of addressing the recipient by name. Legitimate companies usually personalize emails with the recipient's name.
  •  Misspellings and Grammar Errors: Phishing emails frequently contain spelling and grammar mistakes. Professional communications from reputable organizations are typically error-free.
  •  Unexpected Attachments or Links: Be cautious of emails containing unexpected attachments or links. These attachments may contain malware, and the links may lead to phishing websites.
  •  Request for Personal Information: Legitimate organizations rarely ask users to provide personal information, such as passwords or account details, via email. Be skeptical of any email requesting sensitive information.
  •  Mismatched URLs: Hover your mouse over any links in the email without clicking on them. If the displayed URL doesn't match the website's link text, it could be a phishing attempt.
  •  Poorly Designed Email: Phishing emails may have poor formatting, mismatched colors, or unusual layouts. Legitimate companies usually maintain professional and consistent email designs.
  •  Sense of Urgency: Phishing emails often create a sense of urgency, claiming that immediate action is required. This is a tactic to rush recipients into making hasty decisions.

If users encounter any of these signs in an email, it's crucial to exercise caution and refrain from clicking on links, downloading attachments, or providing personal information. When in doubt, users should contact the purported sender through a trusted and verified means to verify the authenticity of the email. Implementing strong security practices, such as using multi-factor authentication, regularly updating passwords, and using reputable security software, can also help protect against falling victim to phishing and schematic emails.


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