
TechnologyMain is a dubious application leveraged against Mac users. Its main purpose is to generate monetary gains for its creators by acting as an adware and a browser hijacker. These applications rarely rely on users to decide to download and install them intentionally. On the contrary, in the vast majority of cases, they employ deceptive distribution methods designed to hide their installation process from the attention of the user specifically. The presence of such behavior classifies countless applications, TechnologyMain included, as PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

When TechnologyMain engages its adware functionality, it will begin to display various unwanted and intrusive advertisements on the device. Users should exercise caution and try to resist clicking on any of the shown advertisements despite their alluring or bait messages. The reason for this is quite simple - via forced redirects, the advertisements could lead to questionable third-party websites.

Concurrently with the intrusive advertising campaign, the PUP also will try to promote the address of what is more than likely a fake search engine. It does so by establishing control over the homepage, new page tab, and the default search engine of the user's Web browser. Afterward, whenever the browser is started, a new tab is opened, or a search is initiated in the URL bar, it would generate artificial traffic towards the sponsored address. Keep in mind that fake search engines are rarely capable of producing any results on their own. A far more common practice is to redirect the user's search queries to a legitimate engine such as Yahoo, Bing or Google.

And while the previous aspects of TechnologyMain could be mostly described as annoying, the same attitude shouldn't be applied to the possibility of the PUP collecting user-related data and then uploading it to a remote server. Indeed, almost all PUPs possess data-harvesting capabilities with some even trying to access sensitive banking, payment, or credit/debit card numbers that have been saved in the browser. The operators of the application could then attempt to sell the collected information to interested third parties.


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