
SystemExtr is a Potentially Unwanted Application (PUA) for Mac computers that triggers high CPU usage. Typically, this program does not have any other symptoms. However, affected users may notice that their device is running slower than usual and that the overall performance has deteriorated. Unexplained crashes and other uncommon issues may occur as well related to SystemExtr being installed on a computer.

Like many other PUAs, SystemExtr installs on target devices in a stealthy manner. Users get infected with PUAs after visiting possibly corrupted websites or clicking on corrupted advertisements. Freeware and torrents also are a standard distribution method. Whereby, the most reliable technique to spread useless and potentially harmful tools and apps is software bundling. Please always choose the “Advanced”/”Custom” installation option to avoid installing unannounced programs.

You can use an automated malware removal tool to clean up all hidden files of SystemExtr from your machine.



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