Threat Database Mac Malware StandardVirtue


Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 17
First Seen: June 15, 2022
Last Seen: November 30, 2022

StandardVirtue is an intrusive application that targets Mac users. Typically, these PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) are distributed through questionable software bundles or even more underhanded tactics, such as fake installers/updates. The goal is for the application to be installed without attracting the attention of the user.

Once StandardVirtua has been established on the Mac, it will show its true purpose by delivering numerous, annoying advertisements. Adware applications of this type can frequently generate pop-ups, banners, notifications and other advertisement types. Users will then suffer constant interruptions and distractions. However, more importantly, the advertisements are likely to promote suspicious destinations or products. Users could be shown advertisements for free giveaways, phishing schemes, technical support tactics, adult websites, shady gambling portals, etc.

At the same time, adware, browser hijackers, and PUPs may carry additional invasive functions. It is not uncommon for these applications to collect information from the device they are installed on and transmit it to their operators. The targeted data may include the user's browsing history, search history, IP address, geolocation, device type, etc.


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