Space Tab

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 7,645
Threat Level: 50 % (Medium)
Infected Computers: 357
First Seen: October 12, 2022
Last Seen: September 14, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The Space Tab may seem like a convenient addition to the user's browser. After all, space has been a popular topic with the new high-quality pictures released by the James Webb Space Telescope satellite. On top of that, the Space Tab offers convenient shortcuts to popular destinations across the Internet, such as social media or video-sharing platforms. Unfortunately, after installing the browser extension on their systems, users will quickly realize that the Space Tab is little more than another browser hijacker application.

Indeed, affected users will notice that multiple, important settings of their Web browsers have been changed. Like most browser hijackers, the Space Tab also modifies browsers' homepages, new tab pages and default search engines. The impacted settings will now be set to open a promoted Web address - The site is classified as a fake search engine that cannot produce search results on its own. Instead, it takes the initiated searchers and further redirects them to a different source. For example, has been observed taking results from the legitimate Bing search engine, but this may not be consistent among all affected users.

Adware, browser hijackers, and other intrusive PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) also are highly likely to carry additional, intrusive capabilities. These applications are notorious for spying on users' browsing activities. However, the data they collect may not stop there. Some PUPs also harvest device details or try to extract sensitive information (account credentials, banking details, payment information) from browsers' autofill data.

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