Threat Database Ransomware SilentAnonymous Ransomware

SilentAnonymous Ransomware

Researchers have identified a new ransomware threat known as SilentAnonymous. This threatening program is specifically designed to encrypt data on targeted systems and then demands payment from the victims for the decryption key. SilentAnonymous is highly versatile and capable of encrypting a diverse range of file types. The distinguishing feature of this ransomware is its modification of file names; all affected files will have a '.SILENTATTACK' extension appended to their original names. For instance, a file originally named '1.jpg' would be renamed to '1.jpg.SILENTATTACK,' and similarly, '2.png' would become '2.png.SILENTATTACK,' and so forth for all files that are locked.

Upon completing the encryption process, SilentAnonymous goes a step further by altering the desktop wallpaper on the infected device. In addition to this, the ransomware drops a ransom note message titled 'Silent_Anon.txt.'

The SilentAnonymous Ransomware Demands a Ransom Paid in Cryptocurrencies

SilentAnonymous, upon encrypting the victim's files, communicates the unfortunate event through a modified desktop wallpaper. This includes crucial documents, cherished photos, and other significant files. The accompanying text file, 'Silent_Anon.txt,' serves as a detailed guide to the ransomware infection. It explains that the only way to regain access to the encrypted files is by paying a ransom, and the specified amount is $1,500 in Bitcoin cryptocurrency. It's essential to note that the mentioned Bitcoin amount may not accurately reflect the real-time conversion rate, as cryptocurrency values are subject to constant fluctuations.

Researchers caution that, in most cases, decrypting files without the intervention of cybercriminals is nearly impossible. While there are rare exceptions, typically involving flawed ransomware, victims should be wary. It's crucial to recognize that even after paying the demanded ransom, cybercriminals may not provide the necessary keys or software for file decryption, making data recovery uncertain. Consequently, succumbing to ransom demands not only fails to guarantee data retrieval but also perpetuates and supports the illegal activities of the attackers.

Immediate elimination from the operating system is imperative to halt further encryptions by the SilentAnonymous Ransomware. However, it's important to understand that removing the ransomware will not automatically restore files that have already been locked. Victims are urged to prioritize preventive measures, such as robust cybersecurity practices, to mitigate the risks associated with such attacks.

Important Security Measures to Protect Your Devices from Ransomware Attacks

Ransomware attacks have become sophisticate increasingly, posing a significant risk to users' personal and professional data. To safeguard devices from these malicious exploits, it is essential to adopt robust security measures. Here are five crucial steps users can take to protect their devices from ransomware attacks:

  • Regular Data Backups: Regularly backing up essential data is an essential preventive measure against ransomware attacks. Users should perform frequent backups of their files and store them in a secure, separate location. This ensures that even if a device is compromised, the user can restore their data without succumbing to ransom demands.
  •  Up-to-date Software and Security Patches: Keeping software, operating systems, and security applications up to date is essential. Cybersecurity vulnerabilities are often exploited by ransomware, and software updates or patches can address these weaknesses. Enabling automatic updates and regularly checking for the latest security patches helps maintain a robust defense against evolving threats.
  •  User Education and Awareness: Educating users about the dangers of phishing emails, suspicious links, and downloading files from unknown sources is crucial. Ransomware often infiltrates systems through social engineering tactics. Users should be particularly careful when clicking on links or downloading attachments from expected sources and should be aware of common tactics employed by cybercriminals.
  •  Use of Anti-Malware Software: Employing reputable anti-malware software adds a layer of defense against ransomware. These security helpers can detect and block malicious software before it can cause harm. Users should regularly update their antivirus signatures to ensure they are equipped to identify the latest threats.
  •  Network Security Measures: Strengthening network security is vital in preventing ransomware attacks. This includes using firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and virtual private networks (VPNs) to secure network connections. Restricting unnecessary access to sensitive files and employing strong, unique passwords for all accounts also contributes to a more secure network environment.

By applying these security measures, users can lessen the possibility of becomng victim to ransomware attacks and enhance the overall resilience of their devices and data against evolving cyber threats.

The full text of the ransom note left by the SilentAnonymous Ransomware is:

All of your files have been encrypted
Your computer was infected with a ransomware virus. Your files have been encrypted and you won't
be able to decrypt them without our help.What can I do to get my files back?You can buy our special
decryption software, this software will allow you to recover all of your data and remove the
ransomware from your computer.The price for the software is $1,500. Payment can be made in Bitcoin only.
How do I pay, where do I get Bitcoin?
Purchasing Bitcoin varies from country to country, you are best advised to do a quick google search
yourself to find out how to buy Bitcoin.
Many of our customers have reported these sites to be fast and reliable:
Coinmama - hxxps:// Bitpanda - hxxps://

Payment informationAmount: 0.0000766 BTC
Bitcoin Address: 17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHV

The instructions delivered via a desktop background image are:


Your photos, documents and other important files have been encrypted with unique key, generated for this computer.



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