Searchify PUP

During the examination of deceptive websites, information security researchers identified the presence of the Searchify PUP. Notably, the name of this rogue software is appropriated from a legitimate online tool designed to enable developers to integrate a search function into websites and applications. It is imperative to emphasize that this particular application is entirely unrelated to the authentic Searchify service. Instead, the identified PUP (Possibly Unwanted Program) promotes a counterfeit search engine operating under the domain Notably, the deceptive nature of this website extends to its domain, which closely mimics the URLs associated with the genuine Searchify, such as and The intentional resemblance in the domain aims to mislead users and create a false association with the legitimate service, underscoring the deceptive tactics employed by the PUP.

The Searchify PUP may Perform Various Intrusive Actions Once Installed

This fake application adopts the name 'Searchify,' a name associated with a legitimate service that bears no connection to this unwarranted software. The use of names and graphics linked to authentic products or services is a common tactic employed by PUPs with the intention of projecting an illusion of legitimacy. This strategy aims to deceive users, fostering trust in the dubious software.

Upon installation, the Searchify PUP integrates its icon into the taskbar's system tray, typically housing elements like the system clock and date. When activated, this icon launches the default browser, opening the fake search engine. It is crucial to emphasize that this webpage is entirely unrelated to the legitimate Searchify sites.

Fake search engines often lack the capability to generate genuine search results, leading them to redirect users to legitimate internet search websites. In the case of, entering a query into the search bar results in a redirection to the Bing search engine.

It is essential to note that the illegitimate nature of this site may lead users elsewhere based on factors such as geolocation. Visiting fake search engines poses a privacy risk as they commonly engage in the collection and potential sale of visitor data.

Potentially Unwanted Programs, including Searchify, often incorporate data-tracking functionalities. This may involve the gathering of sensitive information such as browsing history, search engine history, internet cookies, usernames/passwords, personally identifiable details, and credit card numbers. The illicit acquisition of such data poses significant privacy concerns, as it can be sold to third parties or exploited for profit through various means. Users are prompted to exercise caution and be aware of the potential hazardds associated with interacting with deceptive applications like Searchify.

Be Careful When Installing Applications from New or Unverified Sources

PUPs employ various questionable distribution practices to sneak their installations unnoticed by users. These tactics are often deceptive and aim to exploit users' lack of awareness. Here are some common methods used by PUPs:

  • Bundled Software: PUPs are frequently bundled with seemingly legitimate software or downloads. Users may inadvertently install the unwanted program alongside the intended software without realizing it. This bundling is often done by third-party download sites or software distributors.
  •  Misleading Installers: PUPs may use misleading installers that trick users into unintentionally installing additional software. For instance, during the installation process, users might be presented with confusing checkboxes or opt-out options that are pre-selected, leading to the installation of the unwanted program unless the user actively opts out.
  •  Fake Updates and Downloads: PUPs may disguise themselves as software updates or downloads for popular programs. Users may encounter fake update notifications or download links that, when clicked, install the unwanted program instead of the promised update.
  •  Malvertising: Fraudulent advertising, known as malvertising, involves placing deceptive advertisements on legitimate websites. Clicking on these advertisements may trigger the download and installation of PUPs without the user's knowledge or consent.
  •  Phony Security Alerts: PUPs may generate fake security alerts or warnings that prompt users to download and install software for supposed security purposes. These alerts create a sense of urgency, compelling users to take immediate action, often leading to the installation of unwanted programs.
  •  Social Engineering Tactics: PUPs may employ social engineering tactics, such as fake surveys, contests, or offers, to entice users into downloading and installing the software. These tactics exploit users' curiosity or desire for freebies to achieve covert installations.
  •  Browser Extensions and Add-ons: Some PUPs come in the form of browser extensions or add-ons. Users may inadvertently install these extensions while downloading or installing other software. Once added to the browser, these extensions may modify browser settings and behavior.

To protect against PUPs, users are advised to be prudent when downloading and installing software from third-party websites. Reading installation prompts carefully, avoiding suspicious download links, and keeping security software up-to-date can help prevent inadvertent installations of potentially unwanted programs. Regular system scans and staying informed about cybersecurity threats are essential for maintaining a secure digital environment.


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