The address belongs to a search engine. Nothing wrong so far, but users may start seeing this address opened by their web browsers without being asked for consent. This is the typical consequence of having a browser hijacker application present on their Macs. 

Browser hijackers fall into the category of PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs), as they are not spread via the normal distribution channels. Instead, they rely predominantly on deceptive tactics that mask their installation from the attention of the users. As a result, many realize that an intrude application has been delivered to the Mac after the browser hijacker has already taken control of their web browsers. 

Usually, the PUP will go after three specific settings - the homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine. Doing so ensures that no matter what the user does, it will generate traffic for the promoted address. Indeed, launching the web browser, starting a new tab, or initiating a search through the URL tab will all lead to the page of a dubious or fake search engine. 

Users who run searches via such engines, risk being shown low-quality results that might not even match the search terms and could include numerous sponsored ad links. In other cases, the fake engine will simply redirect to a legitimate one (Yahoo, Bing, Chrome) and let it do all the work.  

PUPs, browser hijackers, and fake search engines are known for also trying to spy on the users' browsing activities. They might go after the browsing and search histories, IP address, geolocation, and more. All collected information will be packaged and transmitted to the operators of the PUP and search engine. 


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