Threat Database Malware Rose Grabber

Rose Grabber

The Rose Grabber is classified as threatening software, specifically a grabber, engineered with the primary intention of illicitly acquiring sensitive information from a targeted system. This sophisticated malware possesses the capability to extract data from various sources, including browsers and other applications, as well as cryptocurrency wallets. In addition to data theft, Rose is proficient in executing a range of unsafe activities. Given the potential threats posed by Rose, it is imperative for victims to take swift action to eliminate this malicious software from their systems to safeguard their sensitive information and prevent further unauthorized access.

The Rose Grabber Tries to Remain Undetected on Compromised Devices

The Rose Grabber exhibits advanced capabilities, including the ability to bypass User Account Control, thereby acquiring elevated privileges on the targeted system. This elevation of privileges empowers the malware to execute a variety of harmful actions without encountering typical security barriers. Additionally, attackers can customize a unique icon for the malware, enhancing its camouflage and reducing visibility to unsuspecting victims.

To maintain persistence on an infected system, the Rose Grabber remains active and continues its unsafe operations upon each system restart. Concurrently, the malware employs tactics to subvert the system's security measures, such as disabling built-in security protection (e.g., Windows Defender) and firewalls, with the goal of avoiding detection and removal.

The Rose Grabber is designed to evade analysis in virtual machine environments, complicating the efforts of security researchers to scrutinize the malware within a controlled setting. Furthermore, the malware takes preventive measures by blocking access to antivirus-related websites, hindering victims from seeking assistance or updates for their security software.

In its pursuit of remaining undetected, the malware incorporates a self-destruct mechanism to erase any traces of its presence. To deceive users and induce confusion, the malware can display false error messages, potentially causing users to overlook its unsafe activities.

Expanding its reach to various communication platforms, the Rose Grabber employs features like the Discord injection, allowing the injection of code into Discord processes. By also collecting Discord tokens, the malware gains unauthorized access to Discord accounts. Furthermore, it initiates mass direct messages to all friends on the victim's Discord account, highlighting its potential for widespread impact. Beyond social platforms, the malware targets gaming sessions on platforms like Steam, Epic Games, and Uplay, pilfering active sessions for potential exploitation.

The Rose Grabber can Harvest a Wide Range of Sensitive Data

The Rose Grabber is designed to specifically target sensitive information across various Web browsers, extracting data such as passwords, cookies, browsing history and autofill data. Its versatility extends to compromising user data on gaming platforms like Minecraft and messaging applications like Telegram.

In addition to its prowess in Web data theft, the Rose Grabber can extract information from cryptocurrency wallets, posing a significant threat to users engaged in digital currency transactions. The malware's adaptability is further highlighted as it targets platform-specific data, such as the Roblox cookies, showcasing its ability to navigate different online environments.

Beyond personal data collection, the malware adopts a comprehensive approach by collecting system information, IP addresses, and even saved Wi-Fi passwords. This extensive data gathering allows attackers to amass a wealth of information about the victim, potentially enabling further exploitation or unauthorized access.

The Rose Grabber goes beyond data extraction by causing disruptions in the user's experience, including inducing a Blue Screen of Death. Moreover, it possesses the capability to capture screenshots and webcam images, providing attackers with visual insights into the victim's activities.

To facilitate the exfiltration of the collected data, the Rose Grabber employs Discord webhooks, discreetly sending pilfered information to specified destinations via Discord. This method of communication offers a convenient and covert means for attackers to receive and control the gathered data.

Concluding its arsenal, the Rose Grabber deploys a crypto-miner to utilize the victim's computer for cryptocurrency mining operations. Additionally, it introduces a ransomware feature, coercing victims into paying a specific amount in Monero by threatening data loss. This multifaceted approach underscores the severity of the threat posed by the Rose Grabber and its potential for widespread and damaging consequences.


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