Threat Database Adware ReachChoice


ReachChoice advertises itself as a convenient tool that can help Mac users improve their browsing habits. However, in reality, the application turns out to be a little more than adware designed to monetize its presence on the system by running an intrusive advertising campaign. Adware applications rarely rely on users to download and install them willingly. In the vast majority of cases, they employ deceptive distribution techniques, such as bundling or pretend to be an installer/updater for other software products. The misleading behavior classifies these applications as PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

Once delivered to the Mac system, ReachChoice will waste no time and will begin to generate various unwanted advertisements. Users will notice a significant increase in the pop-ups, banners, coupons, in-text links, etc. encountered while browsing. The advertisements could contain various clickbait messages in an attempt to lure users into clicking on them. The problem is that doing so could take the user to questionable third-party websites. The destinations could include dedicated phishing pages designed to siphon any information entered into them. Technical support tactics, fake giveaways, or domains promoting additional PUPs also could be reached via forced redirects.

Mac users also should keep in mind that software products falling into the PUP category, most often than not, possess data-harvesting capabilities. The applications might collect data related to the browsing activities performed on the system - visited websites, conducted searchers and clicked URLs. Some PUPs could even try to access information saved into the browser including extremely sensitive banking or debit/credit card details. The collected information will be packaged and uploaded to a remote server. The PUP's operators could then attempt to exploit the collected data themselves or offered it for sale to interested parties.


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