Threat Database Ransomware RarVault Ransomware

RarVault Ransomware

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 3,783
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 6,194
First Seen: September 7, 2016
Last Seen: September 20, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The RarVault Ransomware was discovered by the researcher Michael Gillespie who uses the alias Demonslay356 and is responsible for cracking threats like CryptoHost and several other. The RarVault Ransomware is a Trojan that may be delivered to users via spam mail and corrupted links. The RarVault Ransomware is found in spam emails written in Russian, which suggest that the RarVault Ransomware is used against Russian-speaking users predominantly. The RarVault Ransomware is part of the CryptoHost family and behaves identically to the Bart Ransomware.

As you may know, the Bart Ransomware does not encrypt data and is programmed to transfer the user's files into a password protected archive and demand ransom to release the correct password. The RarVault Ransomware is identical and can transfer text documents, presentations, photos, spreadsheets, databases, and videos up to 50 MB to a secure archive. The vault used by the ransomware at hand is locked with a 128-bit long password and is virtually impossible to unlock through brute force attacks. While the RarVault Ransomware is working, users might notice an increased load on their CPU and read/write alerts from Windows. The RarVault Ransomware is programmed to scan the infected PC for a list of connected drives and will choose the drive with most free space to host the vault with your files.

The transfer of the data is followed by the display of the ransom note which is an HTA file named 'RarVault.' RarVault.hta might run from the hidden Temp folder and will show the ransom message as an interactive program window saying:

'Ваши документы и файлы были перемещены в архив
Для их восстановить их необходимо Ваш получить пароль
Перейдите на наш сайт:
Напишете нам писмо:'

Translated version:

'Your documents and files have been moved to an archive
To recover them you will need to receive your password
Visit our site:
Write us an email:'

The site will present the visitor with the following text:

'Как я могу восстановить мои файлы?
Для восстановления файлов, Вам необходимо выслать на адрес: письмо и приложить к нему файлы "Rar_Vault_User.txt" и "Rar_Vault_User.rar" (находиться или в "корне" диска С:\ или C:\RarVault\), в которых содержится Ваш уникальный идентификационный номер, после этого пополнить свой личный кошелек (номер кошелька мы вышлем Вам на почту) на сумму - 1 Биткоин (около 250 USD, сумма может меняться, в зависимости от важности информации и составлять от 1 Биткоина до 50).
До полного восстановления Ваших файлов, ни в коем случае нельзя удалять или перемещать файл "Rar_Vault_User.txt", для предотвращения смены Вашего уникального идентификационного номера.
После пополнения Вашего кошелька, когда стоимость будет полностью погашена - Вам автоматически будет выслан пароль для разархивации.
Увы, Вы не сможете разархивировать Ваши файлы без Вашего уникального пароля. Ни системные администраторы, ни программисты, ни антивирусные компании и даже разработчики программ-архиваторов не смогут Вам помочь. Учитывайте, что Ваши файлы в архиве защищены при помощи криптостойкого алгоритма шифрования AES-256 с функцией деривации ключа основанной на PBKDF2 с использованием HMAC-SHA256.'

Translated in English:

'How can I restore my files?
To restore files, you should be sent an email to: and attach the file "Rar_Vault_User.txt" and "Rar_Vault_User.rar" (they will be in the "root" of drive C:\ or C:\RarVault\), which contains your unique ID number. Then fill up your personal account (account number will send to your email) the sum of - 1 Bitcoins (about 250 USD, the amount may vary, depending on the importance of the information, and may be from 1 Bitcoins to 50).
Prior to the full recovery of your files, in any case you can not delete or move the file "Rar_Vault_User.txt", to prevent the change of your unique identification number.
After your wallet is charged, and the cost is fully paid - you will automatically be sent a password to unzip.
Alas, you will not be able to unzip your files without your unique password. Neither system administrators or programmers or even anti-virus companies and software developers, will not be able to help you. Keep in mind that your files in the archive are protected by means of cryptographically strong AES-256 encryption algorithm with a key derivation function based on PBKDF2 using HMAC-SHA256.

The payment of the ransom shouldn't be made because the malware actors behind the RarVault Ransomware may not send out the correct password for 'Rar_Vault_User.rar'. The payment required is small compared to threats like the Flyper Ransomware and the NullByte Ransomware, but you need not lose your files and money on the same day. Security experts advise computer users to incorporate a backup solution into their OSes and take advantage of the Shadow Volume Copies by Windows to restore their data. You should not comply with the terms of the RarVault Ransomware and save your money. It is a good measure to install a reputable anti-malware suite to delete the RarVault Ransomware and improve your cyber defense.


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