Threat Database Adware QuantityExact


Cybersecurity researchers have identified another intrusive application belonging to the proliferating AdLoad adware family. Named QuantityExact, the application aims to sneak its way onto users' Mac devices without attracting any attention. Typically, questionable programs such as this one are included as an additional application to be installed in a software bundle or through fake installers and updates.

However, once fully established on the Mac, QuantityExact will drop all pretenses about its true goals. Indeed, users will soon notice a significant increase in the advertisements they encounter while using the device. The annoying advertisements could take the form of pop-ups, banners, surveys, in-text links, and more. More importantly, the advertisements could promote or lead to unsafe websites running online scams, phishing schemes, fake giveaways, etc. Additionally, the advertisements could feature offers for more thinly-veiled PUPs.

Having such intrusive applications present on their Mac could open users up to various security risks. After all, PUPs are known for being equipped with at least some data-tracking capabilities. Typically, these applications are interested in siphoning out the user's browsing information, such as the entire search history, browsing history and each clicked link. Numerous device details and even sensitive information saved into the browsers on the system could be accessed and transmitted. In these cases, the users risk their banking details, payment information, and even credit/debit card numbers being exposed to the PUP's operators.


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