Threat Database Adware ProcessRate


Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 8
First Seen: November 10, 2021
Last Seen: June 15, 2022

ProcessRate is an intrusive application. Its main goal is to get installed on users' Mac devices where it will proceed to monetize its presence via an intrusive ad campaign. ProcessRate is classified as part of the prolific AdLoad adware family. It should be noted that PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) such as this one are seldomly distributed through the normal channels. Instead, the applications are heavily reliant on questionable methods, such as shady software bundles or fake installers for their spread.

When dealing with the advertisements generated by ProcessRate, users should be cautious. The advertisements could utilize various social engineering or clickbait tactics and may take the form of pop-ups, banners, surveys, in-text links, etc. By interacting with the advertisements, users risk being taken to suspicious third-party websites, potentially exposing themselves to various online schemes, phishing tactics, fake giveaways and more. The advertisements also may promote additional PUPs by presenting them as useful and convenient programs.

Although PUPs vary in the functionalities included in their programming, most of them possess at least some degree of data tracking. Indeed, while present on the Mac, these invasive applications could be spying on the user's browsing activities, gathering numerous device details, and, in some cases, even extracting sensitive private data (banking credentials, payment details, credit/debit card numbers) from the affected browsers.


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