
Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 12
First Seen: February 9, 2022
Last Seen: September 22, 2022

PowerLane is another annoying application targeted at Mac users. Instead of trying to provide some useful features to their customers, the developers of PowerLane have put their efforts into equipping the program with intrusive adware functionalities. Users should be aware that applications such as PowerLane are rarely distributed through the normal channels. In the vast majority of cases, they are delivered via suspicious software bundles or other underhanded tactics, such as fake installers.

No matter how PowerLane managed to get inside the user's Mac, once there it will drop all pretenses and start generating intrusive and unwanted advertisements. The advertisements may take the appearance of pop-ups, banners, in-text links, etc., and could be injected into unrelated websites to appear more legitimate.

Interacting with advertisements delivered by adware applications can lead to unnecessary risks. The advertisements could cause redirects to shady websites, phishing pages, adult-oriented platforms and more. Users also may trigger downloads for other adware, browser hijackers or different PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

While present on the device, PowerLane also may try to extract sensitive information and exfiltrate it to its operators. The intrusive application could be able to access payment or banking details, credit/debit card numbers, account passwords, and other information that has been saved into the user's browsers.


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