Threat Database Mac Malware PowerAnalytics


PowerAnalytics is a dubious application that can impact Mac devices. The application is classified as adware, due to its capabilities to deliver and generate intrusive and unwanted advertisements on the users' Macs. It should be pointed out that applications of this type are rarely distributed normally. Instead, their operators rely heavily on questionable tactics, such as software bundles or even entirely fake software installers/updates. That is why they also are considered to be PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs).

Adware, such as PowerAnalytics can lead to a significantly diminished user experience on the affected devices. The frequently appearing advertisements could disrupt the normal activities of the user, but, more importantly, they could be promoting dubious or questionable websites. Users risk being displayed advertisements for untrustworthy websites running various online tactics, such as fake giveaways, phishing schemes, technical support schemes, etc. In addition, the advertisements may promote shady gaming or betting platforms. When users interact with the shown advertisements, they also may trigger forced redirects to additional, suspicious pages.

The problems caused by adware also could include the transmission of user data to the PUP's operators. The captured data could include users' browsing history, search history, clicked URLs, IP address, geolocation and other details. However, some PUPs also could try to extract sensitive and confidential data from browsers' autofill data. In these cases, users may have their saved account credentials, banking details, payment information, credit/debit card numbers and more compromised.


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