Threat Database Adware OnlineExplorer


OnlineExplorer is another dubious application trying to sneak its installation onto users' Mac systems. The underhanded tactics involved in the application's distribution classify it as a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program). Furthermore, OnlineExplorer is capable of functioning both as adware and a browser hijacker. 

Once established on the targeted Mac, OnlineExplorer will begin to generate monetary gains for its creators by flooding the system with intrusive advertising materials. They could take the form of pop-ups, coupons, banners, in-text links and more. The advertisements could try to lure users by showing clickbait messages. 

At the same time, OnlineExplorer will start promoting and generating artificial traffic towards its own address by taking over the Web browser. More specifically, the application could target the homepage, new tab page and the default search engine. The address is a fake search engine that cannot produce results on its own. Conducting searches via such fake engines could lead to a list of results that have had multiple questionable sponsored links injected into it. 

It is not advised to keep PUPs on your Mac or other devices. These applications can spy on your browsing activity or even try to access sensitive information from the browser. Try to remove them as soon as you notice their presence. 


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