Threat Database Adware ObjectRemote


Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 1
First Seen: January 12, 2022
Last Seen: January 14, 2022

Mac users need to be aware of another intrusive application. Named ObjectRemote, this program is most likely being spread via questionable methods, such as shady software bundles or fake app installers/updates.

While ObjectRemote may rely on sneaky tactics to enter the Mac system, once there, its presence becomes obvious quite fast. After all, the main purpose of the application is to run an intrusive ad campaign that will see the user's device flooded by unwanted advertisements. Typically, the advertisements generated by adware PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) promote dubious or even unsafe websites, cause unwanted redirects to suspicious game or betting platforms, or try to convince users to install additional PUPs disguised as seemingly useful programs.

While installed on the Mac, ObjectRemote also may try to obtain various user information, mainly concerning the browsing activities carried out on the system. The intrusive application, which is from the AdLoad adware family, may collect the browsing history, search history, clicked URLs, IP address, geolocation, device type, browser type and more. All harvested data will be packaged and exfiltrated to a server controlled by the PUP's operators.


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