
Users who notice the Novpop.exe being active on their computers should exercise caution. It is strongly recommended to examine the process for any suspicious behavior, such as taking up exorbitant amounts of hardware resources, the CPU output primarily, being associated with an unfamiliar application, starting on its own, etc.

Many of those characteristics are common tell-tale signs of the examined process being part of a crypto-miner. This malware threat aims to hijack the infected system's hardware capacity and use the resources to mine for a specific cryptocurrency - Monero, DarkCoin or others. As a result, the impacted system could be left with less than the recommended available resources and become unstable, experiencing slowdowns, freezes or even critical errors.

Crypto-miners also may cause an affected hardware component, such as the CPU, GPU, or RAM, to produce excessive heat due to the constant utilization. If the cooling system is not strong sufficiently, this could lead to malfunctions or reduced lifespan. Having a professional anti-malware solution to protect your computer or device could drastically reduce the chances of such malware being installed and executed.

Novpop.exe Video

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