Threat Database Malware Nosu Stealer

Nosu Stealer

Nosu Stealer is a malicious program classified as a stealer, designed to collect and exfiltrate information from infected machines. This type of malware often targets credentials, personal files, banking details, email addresses, and cryptocurrency wallets stored on the breached device. The primary regions targeted by Nosu Stealer are North and South America, followed by Southeast Asia. Details about the threat were provided to the public in a report published by the researchers at BitSight.

Infection Chain

Nosu Stealer is deployed to the targeted machines via the use of another previously unknown malware family. The BitSight security experts are tracking this malicious family as Cova. According to their findings, the threat is a compact loader that possesses the ability to update itself, fetch and execute additional payloads, and load DLLs on the system. The threat actors appear to be using Cova to deliver and activate Nosu Stealer as well as the SystemBC proxy bot.

Malicious Capabilities

Nosu Stealer can impact and extract sensitive data from a range of popular web browsers like Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, and Mozilla Firefox. The threat can also target email clients, FTPs, instant messaging services, and cryptocurrency wallets. If successful, Nosu can harvest victims' account credentials (usernames/passwords), credit/debit card numbers, and many other personally identifiable details.

The potential ramifications of a successful attack by Nosu can be devastating. The stolen information could be used to commit financial fraud, such as making unauthorized purchases or transactions. It could also lead to identity theft, with the attacker taking on the victim’s persona in order to ask their contacts for loans, spread spam, or promote malicious software.

In conclusion, it is important to be aware of the risks posed by Nosu and other such malicious software in order to safeguard your data and protect yourself from financial losses or identity theft. Taking precautions such as using a secure anti-malware solution and remaining vigilant when handling personal information can go a long way towards ensuring your security.


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