Threat Database Ransomware Nominatus Ransomware 2

Nominatus Ransomware 2

Cybersecurity experts had uncovered another damaging malware threat, which is tracked as the Nominatus Ransomware 2. Like most threats of this type, the Nominatus Ransomware 2 also utilizes a strong cryptographic algorithm to lock the data of its victims and render it unusable. However, the threat leaves the original names of the targeted files intact and doesn't mark them with a specific file extension. A ransom-demanding message will be created on the breached devices in the form of a text file named 'NominatusRansomware2Message.txt.'

The ransom note of the threat is extremely short. As such, it lacks many crucial details, including the sum that the attackers will try to extort from the affected users as a ransom. The note also fails to mention if the cybercriminals behind the Nominatus Ransomware 2 are willing to demonstrate their ability to salvage the encrypted data by unlocking some files for free. Instead, the instructions found in the text file created by the threat simply direct users toward contacting the hackers via a discord account (Nominatus#1297) or an email address (

The full text of the ransom note is:

'Files has been encrypted with Nominatus Ransomware 2 Contact Creator of this ransomware on discord Nominatus#1297 on discord or contact his email for more Information'


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