Threat Database Rogue Websites

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 211
Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 20,429
First Seen: December 11, 2022
Last Seen: September 30, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

Cybersecurity analysts conducted an investigation of the website and found that it displays a misleading message to entice visitors into granting it permission to deliver notifications. Moreover, is also likely to redirect visitors to other websites of a similarly dubious nature. was discovered among websites that utilize rogue advertising networks.

Rogue Pages Like Often Rely on Fake Scenarios

The website,, displays a message to visitors that they must click the 'Allow' button to verify that they are not robots. The message further instructs visitors to complete a fake CAPTCHA test. However, clicking on the 'Allow' button grants permission to this page to show notifications.

These notifications displayed by myreqdcompany[.]com are intentionally misleading and may include fake virus alerts or other scams designed to direct visitors to malicious websites, offer to download untrustworthy apps, or request sensitive personal information. Additionally, clicking on these notifications may redirect visitors to other malicious websites.

Furthermore, redirects visitors to, and possibly other similar websites. Notadslife[.]com follows the same pattern of tricking visitors into accepting shady notifications. Therefore, both and any pages opened through it should be considered untrustworthy.

Take Appropriate Steps to Prevent Rogue Sites from Delivering Notifications to Your Device

To effectively stop receiving notifications from unwanted websites, such as rogue pages, users should take a few steps. Firstly, users should look for the notification settings in their web browser and disable notifications for any websites that they do not recognize or trust. In most web browsers, these settings can be found under the 'Privacy and Security' or 'Site Settings' sections.

Secondly, users should consider installing browser extensions that can help block unwanted notifications. Several browser extensions are available that can identify and block malicious notifications, including ad blockers and anti-malware software.

Finally, users should exercise caution when visiting websites and avoid clicking on any suspicious links or pop-up windows. Rogue pages often use social engineering tactics to trick visitors into accepting notifications, so it is essential to be vigilant and wary of any requests for permission to send notifications. By taking these steps, users can effectively prevent unwanted notifications from rogue pages and protect their online security and privacy.

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