is an untrustworthy website that users are unlikely to visit on their own. The page is just another addition to the countless other dubious sites created for the sole reason of running a popular browser-based scheme. These pages take advantage of the legitimate push notifications browser feature to generate revenue for their operators via intrusive advertising campaigns.

The crux of the tactic revolves around convincing users into enabling the page's push notifications while masking it as something entirely different. The most popular fake scenario by far, and one that has been confirmed to utilize, consists of the shady site pretending to be doing a CAPTCHA check. Users are left with the impression that clicking the displayed 'Allow' button and passing the supposed check will grant them access to additional content. The message that users might see could be similar to:

'Click Allow if you are not a robot'

Of course, there is no additional content. Instead, users will now likely be subjected to an influx of unwanted and questionable advertisements. Pages such as often generate advertisements promoting more dubious destinations that could be running fake giveaways, phishing schemes or other online tactics. The advertisements also could promote various PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) by presenting them as useful applications. However, once installed on the user's devices, these PUPs will activate their adware, browser hijacker and even data-collection functions.

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