Threat Database Adware ModuleService


ModuleService is a PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) that tries to sneak itself onto users' Mac devices. Its goal is to generate monetary gains for its operators by performing numerous intrusive activities. More specifically, ModuleService is capable of acting both as a browser hijacker and adware.

The adware functionality of the PUP is responsible for delivering numerous unwanted advertising materials to the affected device. The advertisements may be presented as pop-ups, banners, surveys, and even in-text links that do not originate from the specific legitimate website. The annoying advertisements could impact the browsing experience on the device

The adware functionality of the PUP is responsible for delivering numerous unwanted advertising materials to the affected device. The advertisements may be presented as pop-ups, banners, surveys, and even in-text links that do not originate from the specific legitimate website. The annoying advertisements could impact the browsing experience on the device severely, but more importantly, they could lead to unsafe or shady third-party pages. Users could be taken to phishing sites, questionable online game platforms, domains spreading more PUPs, etc.

At the same time, the browser hijacker part of ModuleService will modify certain Web browser settings stealthily to drive artificial traffic towards a promoted address. Usually, the homepage, the new tab page, and the default search engine are affected. The address promoted by ModuleService is ',' and as it could be expected, it belongs to a fake search engine.

Fake engines lack the ability to produce results. Typically, when the user initiates a search via a fake engine, the query will be redirected through a legitimate search engine. In this case, the user's searches are rerouted through

It is not advised to keep PUPs such as ModuleService on your devices. These dubious applications could be equipped with data collection routines that will siphon numerous browsing-related information in addition to various device details and transmit it to a remote server.


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