Threat Database Ransomware Mind Ransomware

Mind Ransomware

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

The Mind Ransomware is an encryption ransomware Trojan. These threat infections are designed to take over the victim's data, encrypting it using a heavily built encryption algorithm and then demanding the payment of a ransom. The Mind Ransomware may be distributed under a variety of aliases, which include the MindSystem Ransomware and the Mind System 2017 Ransomware. The Mind Ransomware seems to be in an uncompleted state currently. The Mind Ransomware will encrypt the victim's data but will not deliver a ransom note or demand payment in exchange for restoring the victim's data. Apart from the possibility of the Mind Ransomware being in a test phase, it also is possible that the Mind Ransomware was created for educational or proof of concept purposes. One reason to believe this is that the Mind Ransomware's creators provide the Mind Ransomware's source code, as well as the encryption code, which can allow computer users to recover the data encrypted by the Mind Ransomware. This means that there is the distinct possibility that the Mind Ransomware was not created for harmful purposes.

How to Recover from a Mind Ransomware Infection

The fact that the victims of the Mind Ransomware have access to the Mind Ransomware's source code and the encryption code means that the victims can recover their files from the Mind Ransomware attack. This is not the case in most threat infections, where the victims' files are left damaged irreparably. The Mind Ransomware runs on the infected computer with the file name 'MindSystemNotRansomWare.exe,' another clue that perhaps the Mind Ransomware was not created as a way to profit off of computer users specifically. Programmers may use Ransomware Trojans like the Mind Ransomware as part of staff training at a business or as a way to prove a particular programming concept. Regardless of the circumstances surrounding the Mind Ransomware, the Mind Ransomware can encrypt the victims' files, and computer users should take steps to restore any affected files using the data that the Mind Ransomware provides. The Mind Ransomware will drop two text files named 'key.txt' and 'file.txt', which contain the Mind Ransomware's code during its attack. The files encrypted by the Mind Ransomware in its attack are marked with the file extension '.mind,' which is added to the affected file's name. However, there is always the possibility that the whole concept of 'educational ransomware' in this case is just there to mislead PC security researchers, and a full version of the Mind Ransomware with financial purposes could be released in the near future.

How Encryption Ransomware Trojans Like the Mind Ransomware Work

Encryption ransomware Trojans like the Mind Ransomware are among the most harmful threats active today, and also the most common. One of the motives why threats like the Mind Ransomware are considered threatening especially is that they take over the victims' computer and restrict access to the victim's data. In most cases, once the ransomware Trojan has encrypted the victim's data, the files become inaccessible permanently unless the victim can obtain the unlock code (which the con artists hold in their possession). Because recovering from these attacks is so difficult, computer users need to take preventive measures to ensure that their files are protected from these attacks. The best way to ensure that your files are safe is to have a reliable backup system. When computer users have backup copies of their file, then the people responsible for the ransomware attack lose any leverage they have that allows them to demand a ransom payment. In fact, a combination of file backups with a strong security program that is fully up-to-date is the best protection against these threats.

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