Threat Database Mac Malware MemoryFunction


Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 3
First Seen: February 16, 2022
Last Seen: October 1, 2022

Unscrupulous developers have released another intrusive application belonging to the AdLoad adware family. As is typical for AdLoad family members, the new PUP (Potentially Unwanted Program) named MemoryFunction, also is primarily targeted at Mac devices. Users should keep in mind that PUPs are very rarely distributed through legitimate channels. It is far more likely for these dubious applications to be added to shady software bundles or placed inside fake installers/updates.

However, once MemoryFunctions has been installed on the Mac, it leaves little doubt as to what its main goal is. The application will start generating various unwanted and untrustworthy advertisements that could severely diminish the user experience on the device. More importantly, users could be presented with advertisements for unsafe destinations. Indeed, it is common for advertisements delivered by adware to promote fake giveaways, phishing portals, shady online gaming platforms and more.

Adware, browser hijackers, and other PUPs also could possess data-tracking functions. Users risk having their browsing activities monitored and continuously transmitted to a remote server under the control of the PUP's operators. The harvested data could range from the browsing and search histories to sensitive account and banking details extracted from the browser's autofill data.


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