Threat Database Adware MacOS.Presenoker


MacOS.Presenoker is a heuristic detection for an adware threat that attacks macOS computers. It means that it is by definition a Potentially Unwanted Program (PUP) designed to inject ads and banners into websites, insert unsolicited hyperlinks in regular texts, and generate misleading pop-up messages which promote fake updates and suspicious apps or other software. Users can also expect that a PUP like MacOS.Presenoker has added browser hijacking features, meaning that it can take control over some crucial browser settings with the intention of redirecting users to third-party websites.

Typically, PUPs change the browser’s homepage and default search provider, replacing them with a fake search engine. Subsequently, the browser opens the given URL upon every launch, while user searches go through some potentially harmful partner pages or services. MacOS.Presenoker’s main goal is, thus, to generate advertising revenues for its owners. However, it may also lead to severe privacy issues for affected macOS users. Content promoted by this PUP may contain links to malicious websites where users get infected with Trojans or Ransomware. On the other hand, most PUPs gather browsing information, such as browsing history, visited URLs, or even saved passwords and login data. Collected data is then sold on underground hacking forums and can be misused by cybercriminals.

Some anti-virus programs also detect MacOS.Presenoker as PUA.Presnoker, GrayWare/Win32/Presnoker, PUA:Win32/Presenoker, and it looks like it can also target Windows systems. Some reports indicate that the Presenoker virus spreads through questionable plugins related to streaming services. Yet, PUPs are also offered through various installer-bundles containing other free apps or tools. Installing freeware from unsafe websites puts users at risk of severe malware infections, so apps should always be downloaded from trusty sources or through the official Apple store. Fortunately, MacOS.Presenoker can be easily detected and removed by most antivirus solutions for macOS.


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