Threat Database Ransomware KiRa Ransomware

KiRa Ransomware

Cybersecurity researchers have come across a ransomware variant known as KiRa. KiRa is designed to encrypt files on the infected system. As part of its harmful behavior, it appends a random four-character extension to the filenames of the encrypted files. Additionally, this ransomware alters the desktop wallpaper to display its ransom message, which is also saved as a text file named 'read it!!.txt.'

This ransomware's sophisticated tactics can cause significant disruptions and potential data loss, making it crucial for users to remain vigilant and implement robust security measures to protect their systems from such threats.

Victims of the KiRa Ransomware are Extorted for Thousands of Dollars

The ransom note left by the cybercriminals asserts that they are operating undercover as hackers and demands a payment of $2000 as ransom for decrypting the victim's files. To facilitate communication, they provide contact details, including an email address ( and an Instagram account (@DD00). The criminals resort to threatening tactics, warning the victim that failure to comply with their demands will result in severe consequences, with the victim's computer and files being used as collateral and facing automatic destruction.

In the case of ransomware attacks, the encryption methods employed by cybercriminals are exceptionally strong and designed to be extremely resistant to traditional decryption techniques. Consequently, victims find themselves unable to unlock their files without the direct involvement of evil-minded actors.

Take Effective Measures against Ransomware Attacks

Protecting devices and data from ransomware threats requires a combination of proactive measures and responsible online practices. Here are some essential steps that users can take to enhance their defense against ransomware attacks:

  • Install and Update Security Software: Use reputable anti-malware software on all devices, including computers, smartphones, and tablets. Regularly update the security software to ensure it remains effective against the latest threats.
  • Enable Firewall Protection: Enable the firewall on all your devices to add an extra layer of protection against unauthorized access and malware.
  • Keep Operating Systems and Software Up-to-date: Regularly update the operating system and all software applications with the latest security patches. Outdated software may contain vulnerabilities that can be exploited by ransomware.
  • Exercise Caution with Email Attachments and Links: Be wary of suspicious emails, especially those with unexpected attachments or links. Avoid to download attachments or clicking on links from unknown or unverified sources.
  • Backup Data Regularly: Create and maintain regular backups of necessary data on an external device or cloud storage. This way, even if ransomware strikes, you can restore your data without paying the ransom.
  • Educate and Train Employees: For businesses, provide regular cybersecurity training to employees, teaching them to recognize and avoid potential ransomware threats, such as phishing emails.
  • Be Cautious with the Desktop Protocol (RDP): If using Remote Desktop Protocol, ensure that it is properly secured with strong passwords and limited access permissions.

By following these preventive measures and staying vigilant, users can minimize significantly the risk of falling victim to ransomware attacks and protect their devices and data from potential harm.

The ransom note generated on the devices compromised by the KiRa Ransomware reads:

'I'm from an international wanted u can call me : KiRa

I am an undercover hacker

My name is: GreatKiRa

I will use your computer as collateral for collection

i just want:2000$ LoL

Payment address:

contact details :

IG: @DD00

Hehh .. i think u are in big trouble $:
sO Contact me after payment and I will unlock it for you
If you do not pay, your computer and files will be automatically destroyed'

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