Threat Database Potentially Unwanted Programs Findmovie Browser Extension

Findmovie Browser Extension

After a comprehensive analysis of the Findmovie browser extension, information security researchers identified it as a browser hijacker with the primary intent of promoting a fraudulent search engine. The functionality of Findmovie involves altering the settings of a Web browser to hijack it effectively. Additionally, there is a potential concern that this extension may have the capability to gather information about users.

Given these findings, it is strongly recommended to refrain from adding the Findmovie browser extension to Web browsers. The hijacking behavior and the potential for information collection raise significant security and privacy concerns for users. Avoiding the installation of this extension is a precautionary measure to prevent unauthorized alterations to browser settings and the potential compromise of personal information. Staying vigilant and selective about browser extensions is essential to maintaining a secure and private online browsing experience.

The Findmovie Browser Hijacker Takes Over Users' Browsers

Upon installation, Findmovie configures as the default search engine, homepage and new tab pages for users. This compels users to visit the promoted page whenever they open their browsers. Notably, after users input a search query, redirects them to,, and potentially other search engines.

However, it's essential to recognize that is a deceptive search engine as it fails to generate authentic search results. Instead, it merely presents results sourced from legitimate search engines like Bing and Yahoo. The inherent untrustworthiness of both fake search engines and the browser hijackers endorsing them is a significant concern, particularly due to their propensity for data collection.

Browser hijackers and fake search engines often engage in the unauthorized collection of diverse information, including but not limited to browsing history, search queries, personal details, geolocation data, IP addresses, system information, cookies, session data and ad interaction. This collected data is frequently exploited for targeted advertising, marketing purposes, or potentially more malicious activities.

Another critical issue associated with fake search engines is their capacity to provide misleading or entirely fabricated search results. Some of these deceptive search engines utilize dubious redirects, directing users to potentially harmful websites. This creates significant risks, including potential malware infections or exposure to phishing attacks. Consequently, placing trust in fake search engines poses a substantial threat to overall online security, emphasizing the importance of avoiding such deceptive practices for the protection of user data and a secure online browsing experience.

Browser Hijackers Hide Their Installations from Users' Attention

Browser hijackers employ various shady methods to hide their installations from users' attention, often aiming to execute their unsafe activities discreetly. Here are common techniques used by browser hijackers to evade detection:

  • Bundling with Freeware:

Browser hijackers often hide within seemingly legitimate software bundles. Users may inadvertently install the hijacker while installing a seemingly unrelated program, as the bundled software is preselected for installation by default.

  • Misleading Installation Prompts:

During the installation process, browser hijackers may use deceptive tactics to confuse users. They may present misleading dialogue boxes, checkboxes, or buttons, making it difficult for users to opt out of installing the hijacker.

  • Fake Software Updates:

Some browser hijackers mimic software update prompts, tricking users into believing they are installing a legitimate update for a program. In reality, users end up installing the hijacker along with the purported update.

  • Intrusive Browser Extensions/Add-ons:

Browser hijackers often disguise themselves as seemingly innocuous browser extensions or add-ons. Users may unknowingly install these extensions, thinking they serve a legitimate purpose, while the hijacker quietly takes control of the browser.

  • Auto-Downloads from Dubious Websites:

Users may inadvertently download and install browser hijackers when visiting unsafe websites. These websites may use deceptive tactics to initiate automatic downloads without the user's knowledge or consent.

  • Social Engineering Techniques:

Browser hijackers may use social engineering tactics in phishing emails or deceptive advertisements to lure users into accessing links or downloading files that lead to the installation of the hijacker.

To protect against browser hijackers, users should exercise caution when installing software, regularly update their operating systems and browsers, use reputable security software, and be wary of unsolicited emails or suspicious websites. Additionally, reviewing and managing browser extensions regularly can help identify and remove any potentially unsafe ones.


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