Threat Database Mobile Malware FakeChat Malware

FakeChat Malware

By GoldSparrow in Mobile Malware

FakeChat is a malicious app that can be found on Android devices, mostly smartphones. The FakeChat threat is a lone soldier in the army of malware that appears to be part of a well-established cybercrime group that is known for spreading financial malware threats. Such threats are known to attack systems to gather financial data from unsuspecting users where the cybercrooks may access online banking accounts or leverage financial data to eventually steal money.

The FakeChat Malware has a supporting server-side infrastructure behind it that uses a domain generation algorithm to create command and control (C2) domains. Such domains are where the FakeChat Malware threat may contact to gather new instructions to carry out malicious activities on infected Android devices or on other platforms that FakeChat may be modified to run on.

Users of Android devices, or any platform for that matter, should be on the lookout for threats like FakeChat as they may be disguised as legitimate apps commonly found on third-party sites and sources on the Internet.

The detection and removal of threats like FakeChat Malware may be accomplished through the use of updated antimalware resources, which will ensure the threat is found and completely eliminated on the infected device or computer.


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