Threat Database Adware EdgeAdvanced


Mac users should be on the lookout for another dubious application that might be trying to sneak itself onto their computers. Named EdgeAdvanced, it is equipped with both adware and browser hijacker functionality. It is important to keep in mind that PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs) such as Edge Advanced are rarely spread via the normal distribution channels. Instead, they predominantly rely on questionable methods such as bundling or fake installers to hide their installation from the user's attention.

The advertisements generated by EdgeAdvanced should be approached with caution. They may show manipulative or clickbait messages designed to lure users into interacting with them. Afterward, the advertisements could redirect to shady sites running scams or phishing schemes. Users could also be taken to suspicious betting platforms or pages spreading more PUPs.

EdgeAdvanced also will impact the Web browsers installed on the Mac. The application will modify the homepage, new tab page, and the default search engine settings and force them to now open a promoted address. In the vast majority of cases wherever a browser hijacker is involved, it is used as a vehicle driving artificial traffic towards a fake search engine. Fake engines cannot deliver any results. Instead, they take the user's search queries and redirect them to a legitimate engine such as Yahoo, Bing, or Chrome or start a redirect chain that may pass through several dubious engines.

Having a PUP present on your Mac also means that there is a high chance that your browsing activities will be tracked, packaged, and then transmitted to a remote server. Indeed, these intrusive applications are notorious for having data-harvesting capabilities. That is why it is strongly recommended to remove them as soon as possible with a professional security solution, preferably.


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