Threat Database Ransomware Cyclops Ransomware

Cyclops Ransomware

The Cyclops Ransomware is a threatening program that encrypts data and demands payment for its decryption. Upon launching, Cyclops begins to encrypt files without renaming them. After the encryption process is completed, a pop-up window with instructions is generated. Afterward, a Command Prompt (cmd.exe/cmd) window containing the main message of the attackers is opened.

The Command Prompt window that appears after a machine is infected with the Cyclops Ransomware informs victims that their files have been encrypted and that the only way to restore them is to contact the cyber criminals to obtain a decryption key. This message also warns that time is of the essence, as failing to contact them within 24 hours will permanently delete all encrypted data.

To initiate communication with the cybercriminals, victims are told to send a friend request to the 'AngryFox#1257' Discord account. After being accepted, users will supposedly be given a task of some sort that they must complete within the specified time frame. The multitude of deviations from the typical ransomware attack may signal that the operators behind the Cyclops Ransomware could be using the current operation as a test run for future harmful activities.

How do Hackers Install Threats like Cyclops Ransomware?

Ransomware is a type of threatening software (malware) that allows criminals to encrypt data on a victim's device and demand payment in exchange for unlocking it. If you're curious about just how hackers install ransomware, here's an in-depth look at the process.

  1. Spreader Network Infection – The hacker sends out a payload via email, messaging applications, or social networks that contain corrupted code, which can spread the malware across multiple connected devices. This can be done through compromised links or corrupted attachments or files.
  2. System Exploitation – Once the payload successfully infects the device, it will start searching for operating system vulnerabilities and weaknesses to further embed itself into the computer's system files with root access privileges that allow it to keep running even after a system reboot.
  3. File Encryption – After establishing itself as an application or process running with superuser privileges, the ransomware begins encrypting all personal and business documents indiscriminately across all available storage locations on the infected machine. It will use different encryption algorithms such as RSA, AES 256-bit encryption, etc., making decrypting almost impossible without identifying information from the hacker(s).

Preventing Cyclops Ransomware Infections

As computers, mobile devices, and the Internet become more ubiquitous, the harmful threats that come with this increased connectivity do the same. Ransomware works by encrypting your data and then demanding a ransom payment in exchange for a decryption key. Thankfully, there are measures you can take to reduce your chances of becoming infected with ransomware:

  • Update Your Software Regularly

It's paramount to ensure that you have the latest versions of your software installed on all machines connected to your network. Most modern software comes with an update feature that will keep track of new patches, fixes, and other security updates; these updates are essential for keeping you safe from potential ransomware attacks.

Make sure that you have the latest versions of your software installed on all machines connected to your network. Most modern software comes with an update feature that will keep track of new patches, fixes, and other security updates; these updates are essential for keeping you safe from potential ransomware attacks.

  • Refrain from Clicking Suspicious Links or Files

When browsing online, be wary of suspicious links or downloads – these can often lead to unsafe websites that contain ransomware payloads or other harmful files. Additionally, avoid clicking any links sent via email, especially if they come from an unfamiliar sender; instead, check directly on their website for downloads or offers related to their products/services.

  • Use Firewalls to Block Unauthorized Connections

If you have multiple devices connected through the same wifi connection or LAN (local area network), using firewalls will be invaluable in preventing unauthorized connections from accessing your system via port-forwarding schemes or DDOS (distributed denial-of-service) attacks often used by hackers to deliver ransomware payloads automatically without the user's knowledge.

  • Use Strong Passwords & Multi-Factor Authentication

Always use strong passwords for important accounts like online shopping sites or banking information; it's also recommended that you turn on the multi-factor authentication whenever possible as an extra layer of security against potential hacks and breaches, which may put your data at risk for those who successfully breach it.

  • Utilize Anti-Virus & Anti-Malware Software Solutions

Ensure you install anti-virus and anti-malware software solutions across all devices connected to your network – this includes desktops, laptops, phones/tablets, and any IoT (Internet of Things) capable "smart" devices such as TVs、thermostats、or plumbing systems. This solution will detect suspicious activity before it takes root in your system, allowing for swift action against any potentially corrupted code running in the background without being detected before it does severe damage.

Text shown as a pop-up window:

'Congratulations! Your pc is hacked! To remove the virus please read what is said on the window. (it will also tell what the virus did) And if you close the window you will never be able to remove this virus.


The Command Prompt note generated by the Cyclops Ransomware reads:

'Oops! All of your files have been encrypted by the Cyclops Ransomware. To get your files back you need to enter a special key. And before you ask something like "How do I get the key" There is only 1 way to get the key! And that is to contact AngryFox#1257 on discord (by friending the account). Then once the account accepts, it will ask your for your computer name! The reason they need it so they can check your key by the computer name. Your computer name is '….'. Once you tell your computer name the account will ask you to do something, and if you do them they will give you your key and your files will be back. But if you wont do anything for 24 hours your files are gonna be deleted forever with no way to recover them! If the person doesnt accept your friend request that means they are either busy or sleeping. If they dont accept for 3 hours wait atleast 10 hours and they should accept. When you enter the correct key you files will be decrypted and the app will automaticly close.
Enter the key:'

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