Threat Database Ransomware Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware

Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware

By GoldSparrow in Ransomware

The Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware is a variant of the notorious CryptoLocker Ransomware that has as its targets the citizens of Australia. The overall functionality of the Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware is the same as the one of the primary threat. However, there are some differences in the requested amount of money and distribution mechanisms of this cyber threat. This high-level Trojan deprives the victim of access to his files. Once the Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware enters, it encrypts all files with particular extensions. The process is pointed towards all files that may contain information with special value to the user – such as pictures, Office documents, videos, music and presentations. When the Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware modifies the configuration of the listed files, the users will no longer be able to open them in any way. Their information may be lost forever unless the victim pays the requested 'ransom.'

Since Australia is a wealthy country, the people behind these attacks demand more money than usual. They request $300 as opposed to the traditional ransom of $100. The Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware may enter your system if you open corrupted e-mail attachments or click on compromised links in the messages. The developers of the Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware may inform the victims that they missed an important shipment. All aspects of this misleading e-mail resemble the style of the notifications displayed by the Australia Post so the user may be tricked easily. To prevent the Cryptolocker Australia Ransomware infection, you need to possess a powerful anti-malware solution that offers a real-time shield.


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