Threat Database Adware CoolLinks Ads

CoolLinks Ads

By GoldSparrow in Adware

Threat Scorecard

Ranking: 16,869
Threat Level: 10 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 20
First Seen: November 19, 2015
Last Seen: June 21, 2023
OS(es) Affected: Windows

The abundance of advertisements powered by CoolLinks that may appear in your Internet client may be caused by adware on your machine that may have been installed as an optional component to a free program setup. Security authorities remind users that the advertisements by adware like CoolLinks, LuckyTab Class and Framed Display may redirect them to compromised online stores where their credit card data is not safe. The CoolLinks adware may run every time you start an online session with Google Chrome, Internet Explore, and Mozilla Firefox by using specially crafted CRX, XPI, DLL and BHO files. The adware developers behind CoolLinks may attempt to earn pay-per-install revenue by using pop-under windows to invite infected users to install bad programs like DefaultTab and Outbox. The programs mentioned before may crash your browser, and you may lose data that you input on online forms and be logged out of Web services.

The CoolLinks adware may use session cookies, detect your approximate geographical location and read your download history to show custom-made ads on Amazon, Best Buy and Walmart. Security authorities warn users that the CoolLinks adware may use JavaScript to block native ads on your favorite online stores and redirect you to untrusted websites like and that are associated with browser hijackers. The CoolLinks adware may place its files in the Temp folder and users may not see CoolLinks listed in their 'Control Panel.' The CoolLinks adware does not encrypt its communications with the Internet and may download a corrupted binary on your system that might lead to a security breach. You should install a renowned anti-malware suite to purge the CoolLinks adware from your machine.


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