Threat Database Phishing 'Your Card was Added to Apple Pay' Pop-Up Scam

'Your Card was Added to Apple Pay' Pop-Up Scam

The 'Your Card was Added to Apple Pay' website is part of a phishing scheme that aims to trick users into divulging their credit/debit card details. For this purpose, the fraudsters have built a dedicated phishing portal that claims to be an official Apple security alert. The scheme continues by claiming that the user's card has been added to Apple Pay. To stop it, users are asked to verify their identity by providing their card's number, cardholder name, expiration date and CVV code. In the absence of any 2FA systems, this information will be enough to allow the attackers to access the funds held on the card.

Users should remember that all of the claims made by the ' 'Your Card was Added to Apple Pay' pop-up scam are completely false. Absolutely no information should be entered in the provided fields, and the best course of action is to simply close the page. Otherwise, the con artists could gain access to confidential information that could be used for fraudulent purchases. Victims could incur significant monetary losses or be exposed to additional security risks. These people also could package all of the information they have been able to obtain, and offer it for sale to interested parties such as cybercriminal groups.


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