Threat Database Mac Malware BasicTransaction


Threat Scorecard

Threat Level: 20 % (Normal)
Infected Computers: 2
First Seen: January 11, 2022
Last Seen: August 17, 2022

The BasicTransaction app is often found by users onto their Mac devices without any recollection of specifically allowing its installation. This is a common occurrence when dealing with such PUPs (Potentially Unwanted Programs). These are spread via underhanded tactics designed to stealthily deliver various apps without being noticed by the users. For example, various PUPs may be included in a software bundle alongside a far more legitimate or desirable product. The additional apps will be placed as pre-selected choices somewhere in the installation settings, commonly under the 'Custom' or 'Advanced' menus.

Once delivered to the Mac, BasicTransaction has been found to act as an adware app. Users will experience a significant increase in the ads they encounter. Furthermore, infosec researchers have concluded that the app is part of the infamous AdLoad adware family. It is important to remember that the ads delivered by such untrustworthy sources rarely promote legitimate destinations or products. It is far more likely that users will be presented with ads for additional PUPs or questionable scam websites, fake giveaways, phishing schemes, etc.

PUPs can pose other risks as well. A significant portion of these apps are capable of exfiltrating select data from users' devices. Most go after the browsing history, search history, IP address, geolocation, browser type, etc. However, some PUPs can also try to extract sensitive information from the browser's autofill data. As a result, users may have their account credentials, banking details, credit/debit card numbers, and more, uploaded to a remote server.


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