Threat Database Trojans AggregatorHost.exe


Windows users have noticed the presence of a process named AggregatorHost.exe running in the background of their systems. The process may appear strange and even suspicious, as its purpose is not clear. Furthermore, it may lack information about its publisher as part of the details provided in the 'Properties' window. This fact can be interpreted as pointing toward the process being unsafe or injected into the Windows OS by an unwanted third-party program. 

However, AggregatorHost.exe appears to be a legitimate Windows process, potentially related to the functionality of the Windows Defender. While this may the case for most users, it is not uncommon for malware operators to disguise their threatening tools as real files and processes. As such, it is important to check AggregatorHost.exe for any unexpected symptoms. The legitimate file should be small in size and stored in the 'C:\Windows\System32 folder.' It also should take up practically zero resources while active.

Any deviations, especially if the process is responsible for abnormal resource usage, could be a sign of a malware threat lurking on the system. The suspicious AggregatorHost.exe could belong to a crypto-miner Trojan designed to hijack the hardware of the system and use it for cryptocurrency mining. Crypt-miners can cause the system to run out of available resources, resulting in slowdowns, freezes and even critical errors. The constant utilization of the device's hardware increases the risk of overheating. Users who are suspicious about the legitimacy of AggregatorHost.exe on their devices should run a thorough threat scan with a reputable anti-malware solution. 

AggregatorHost.exe Video

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