Threat Database Ransomware Zhong Ransomware

Zhong Ransomware

The Zhong Ransomware is a harmful threat that is used by cybercriminals to encrypt data and extort money from their victims. When examined by infosec researchers, the Zhong Ransomware successfully encrypted a wide range of file types and added the '.zhong' extension to their filenames. For instance, a file named '1.pdf' was transformed into '1.pdf.zhong,' and '2.png' was changed to '2.png.zhong.' After completing its encryption routine, the ransomware leaves a ransom note called 'Restore.txt' on the desktop of the infected devices.

Victims of the Zhong Ransomware are Extortet for Money

The ransom note left by Zhong informs victims that their most precious files have been encrypted and demands payment for decryption. The note urges victims to contact the attackers within 48 hours; otherwise, they risk having sensitive data collected from the breached systems being leaked or destroyed. The decryption of files impacted by ransomware threats like the Zhong Ransomware is rarely possible without the cyber criminals' involvement. The only exceptions are cases where the specific malware variant is still in development or has significant vulnerabilities.

Furthermore, victims who pay the ransom often do not receive any decryption tools, even after meeting the attackers' demands. Therefore, experts advise against paying since there is no guarantee that data recovery will be possible, and paying the ransom supports the criminal activity.

Removing the Zhong Ransomware from the operating system is crucial to prevent further encryption of data. However, keep in mind that removing the ransomware itself will not restore already compromised files.

Having Robust Data Security is Essential in Stopping Ransomware Threats

To protect their data from ransomware attacks, users should take a comprehensive approach that includes a combination of technical and non-technical measures.

From a technical standpoint, users should ensure that their operating system, applications, and anti-malware software are up-to-date with the latest security patches. They also should use strong and exclusive passwords for their accounts and habilitate two-factor authentication whenever possible.

Users also should implement data backup and recovery solutions regularly, ensuring that backups are stored in a secure location and are tested to ensure they can be restored successfully. Additionally, users should exercise caution when downloading files from untrusted sources, opening email attachments or clicking on links.

From a non-technical perspective, users should educate themselves about the risks of ransomware and how to spot and avoid potential threats. They should also be vigilant and report any suspicious activity immediately to their IT department or a cybersecurity professional.

Overall, protecting against ransomware requires a combination of technical and non-technical measures that involve regular updates, data backup and recovery, caution when accessing suspicious content, and education on how to spot and avoid potential threats.

The ransom note created by the Zhong Ransomware is:


Your files have been encryptedand leaked by us!
You have 48 hours to contact us,
otherwise, your data will be merged into the public domain.
Contact us by mail:
Spare Mail:'

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