威脅數據庫 Ransomware JOKER(混沌)勒索軟體


最近,一種被稱為 JOKER(Chaos)的新型勒索軟體被發現,對全世界的電腦造成了嚴重破壞。該勒索軟體的運作方式是對受感染系統上的檔案進行加密,並為其附加一個由四個隨機字元組成的獨特擴展名,使得在沒有解密金鑰的情況下幾乎不可能恢復檔案。然後,該威脅軟體的受害者會收到一張勒索信,要求付款以換取解密金鑰。


名為 games_is_a_j0ke (Discord) 的勒索字條指示受害者如何支付贖金以重新獲得對其文件的存取權限。以下是勒索信中的關鍵細節:

  • 贖金金額: $1500 Monero (XMR) 加密貨幣。
  • 加密貨幣地址: 48XxCcL849CiC17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHVdCLsZ17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHVUZQwjhXW(門錢包門)。
  • 聯絡資訊:受害者被指示聯絡gaming_is_a_j0ke (Discord),以獲取有關如何支付贖金和接收解密金鑰的更多詳細資訊。


如果您發現您的系統已被 JOKER (Chaos) 勒索軟體感染,請務必迅速採取行動並按照以下步驟操作:

  1. 隔離受感染的系統:斷開受感染設備與任何網路的連接,以防止勒索軟體傳播到其他設備或損害其他資料。
  2. 評估損壞:識別哪些文件已加密。 JOKER(Chaos)通常會將文件、照片、影片和其他使用者產生的內容進行加密。
  3. 備份加密檔案:如果可能,請備份加密檔案。這對於將來可能出現的潛在解密解決方案很有用。
  4. 不要立即支付贖金:雖然贖金很誘人,但並不能保證將提供解密金鑰或恢復您的檔案。將此視為最後的手段。
  5. 尋求專業協助:聯絡信譽良好的網路安全專家或專門從事勒索軟體復原的公司。他們可能擁有工具或專業知識來幫助恢復您的文件而無需支付贖金。
  • 報告事件:通知您所在國家/地區的執法機構或網路安全機構。報告此類事件有助於追蹤和打擊網路犯罪。
  • JOKER(Chaos)勒索軟體對個人和組織都構成嚴重威脅,強調了強大的網路安全措施和主動備份策略的重要性。對可疑電子郵件保持警惕,避免下載附件或與未知來源的連結進行交互,並及時更新您的反惡意軟體。透過這些預防措施,成為勒索軟體攻擊受害者的風險將更加可以忽略不計,您可以最大限度地減少對數位生活和業務營運的影響。

    JOKER (Chaos) 勒索軟體顯示了詳細的勒索訊息,內容如下:

    'JOKER is multi language ransomware. Translate your note to any language <----
    All of your files have been encrypted
    Your computer was infected with a ransomware virus. Your files have been encrypted and you won't
    be able to decrypt them without our help.What can I do to get my files back?You can buy our special
    decryption software, this software will allow you to recover all of your data and remove the
    ransomware from your computer.The price for the software is $1,500 USD. Payment can be made in Crypto only.
    How do I pay, where do I get Monero?
    Purchasing Monero varies from country to country, you are best advised to do a quick google search
    yourself to find out how to buy Monero.
    Many of our customers have reported these sites to be fast and reliable:
    Coinmama - hxxps://www.coinmama.com Bitpanda - hxxps://www.bitpanda.com - hxxps://www.kraken.com (Recommanded)' JOKER is multi language ransomware. Translate your note to any language <----
    All of your files have been encrypted
    Your computer was infected with a ransomware virus. Your files have been encrypted and you won't
    be able to decrypt them without our help.What can I do to get my files back?You can buy our special
    decryption software, this software will allow you to recover all of your data and remove the
    ransomware from your computer.The price for the software is $1,500 USD. Payment can be made in Crypto only.
    How do I pay, where do I get Monero?
    Purchasing Monero varies from country to country, you are best advised to do a quick google search
    yourself to find out how to buy Monero.
    Many of our customers have reported these sites to be fast and reliable:
    Coinmama - hxxps://www.coinmama.com Bitpanda - hxxps://www.bitpanda.com - hxxps://www.kraken.com (Recommanded)

    Proof of Payment Contact My Discord > gaming_is_a_j0ke

    Payment informationAmount: 9.05 XMR
    Monero Address: 48XxCcL849CiC17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHVdCLsZ17CqMQFeuB3NTzJ2X28tfRmWaPyPQgvoHVUZQwjhXW'


